
Trends,Health,Love,Professional Fundas, Flirting,Bitching and much more

A new age Metro girl Full of confidence, energy and determination “She got an attitude and knows how to carry” This blog is dedicated to all Metro girls and her fighting sprit

YES, I am Metroholica

* Trends * Love N Sex * Health * Professional Fundas

Mint - a truly impressive online money-manager. - a truly impressive online money-manager.

If you are looking for a website to manage your finances simply but haven't yet been able to find it. We found Mint for you, an amazingly useful and simple to use file

They are connected to thousands of checking, savings, credit card, brokerage, loan and retirement accounts so you'll see the big picture. Access balances and transactions anytime to always know where you stand. and what you owe, compile budgets for you, alert you if anything unusual is going on in your account, etc. It really casts some perspective on what you're spending too.

It also compares your cash to your debt and will tell you if your APRs are too high, like a electronic financial planner. If they added a bill pay and tracking function, it'd be perfect. Also, and you don't have to concern about the security.


  1. Unknown said...

    Oh, this site is definitely for me. I've been trying to be responsible with my money, and I think this is a perfect site to help me keep track of my spending and savings, which means it will make being a grown-up easier!

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