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Tips To Keep Your Teeth White

Keep Your Teeth White

Yellowing of the teeth is a natural part of aging, but lifestyle and dietary factors like smoking and drinking red wine and coffee quicken the process. White teeth make a beautiful smile! Simple tips at home for whitening your teeth can really work if you do them consistently. Listed below are some simple tips to turn smiles from ashen to alabaster:


  1. Certain drinks, like caffeine, soda pop, black tea, red wine, or candy, as well as smoking, dull the gleam of teeth. If you cannot deny yourself a pleasure of sipping a cup of strong coffee in the morning or a glass of red wine in the evening, or if you are having a puff every now and then, you need to take care of your teeth more carefully.
    Be sure to brush them thoroughly every time after you have drunk wine or tea, have eaten a candy, or smoked a cigarette. Whitening toothpastes, which contain polishing agents, can be helpful to a degree to remove stains from the surface of teeth, especially if they are used on a regular basis.
  2. To get back the sparkle of your teeth, ask a dentist to recommend you the best over-the-counter whitening product that would suit the needs of your teeth. Remember that yellowish teeth, which have changed colour because of beverages or smoking, usually lighten well, but if your teeth have a brownish or greyish tint from taking antibiotics in a young age, commercial whiteners may not help.
  3. Stop biting your nails: Habitual nail chewers damage more than their cuticles; they can damage their teeth, too. If you have weakened enamel, you end up with an exposed, dented, soft area in the center of the tooth. And that's when the problem occurs. The denting is much softer than the enamel and if exposed to bad habits such as chewing nails, opening beer bottles, it will wear down. Often the middle part dissolves quicker than the outside and the brittle enamel is very prone to chipping, making the teeth look uneven and unattractive.
  4. Use a Straw: If you must have tea, cola or one of the other stain-mongering beverages listed above, be sure to use a straw. It helps the drink bypass the teeth and gums and cuts down on your chances for dingy teeth.
  5. Use a custom-made tray, manufactured by your dentist just for you. Such trays contain carbamide peroxide solution and fluoride, which work more gently and lighten teeth faster. A disadvantage of this method is that it can increase teeth's sensitivity. The cost can vary from $300 and up to $450
  6. Brushing and Flossing Habits: Brush your teeth twice daily - as soon as you wake up and last thing before going to bed. Brushing teeth daily with powdered neem leaves not only makes them pearl white 'but also keeps them healthy. You can also try brushing with a mixture of soda bicarb and powdered salt to make your teeth sparkling white. Rubbing salt on the teeth and rinsing off after sometime is equally helpful in making the teeth sparking white. You should rinse your mouth after you eat anything, so that food does not stick to the teeth. Flossing after every meal helps to erase stains between teeth.
  7. Brushing and Flossing Habits: Brush your teeth twice daily - as soon as you wake up and last thing before going to bed. Brushing teeth daily with powdered neem leaves not only makes them pearl white 'but also keeps them healthy. You can also try brushing with a mixture of soda bicarb and powdered salt to make your teeth sparkling white. Rubbing salt on the teeth and rinsing off after sometime is equally helpful in making the teeth sparking white. You should rinse your mouth after you eat anything, so that food does not stick to the teeth. Flossing after every meal helps to erase stains between teeth.
  8. Dry and grind orange peels to a coarse powder and brush your teeth daily with this powder for making them beautiful and sparkling white. Eat sugarcane daily to make the teeth strong and beautiful. Roast full turmeric and powder it. Apply this mixture on the teeth daily to get sparkling white teeth. Boil fenugreek seeds in water, let it cool and then gargle with the strained water to make your teeth strong and sparkling white. Powdered cloves and lump sugar not only makes your teeth white but also keeps them healthy if used daily.
  9. some foods can actually work to whiten your teeth while you eat! The following foods remove stains by exfoliating teeth before the stain molecules have the time to attach deeply to the surface. It is like a skin scrub for your smile. Foods that whiten teeth include:

* Apples
* Celery
* Carrots
* Spinach
* Broccoli
* Lettuce

How to Rip your Jeans

sexy Jeans

Sandpaper or file
Safety pin
Bleach (optional)
  1. Determine where you want the jeans to be ripped. Take caution that your holes are in appropriate places or you might show more than you wanted.


  1. Rub a piece of sandpaper over the jeans in the area you want the hole. Pick sandpaper that's extra rough so you get the full effect.


  1. Create a slit in the area where you want the hole. Do this by rubbing the blade of a knife over the area. Continue slitting that area until you begin to see the edges fray.


  1. Continue rubbing the jeans with sandpaper and slitting new holes until you're satisfied with the look. Typically, each pair of jeans should have three to seven holes.


  1. Wash your jeans on a regular cycle. Add a little bit of bleach to give your jeans an aged look. Throw your jeans in the dryer to complete the process. When you allow your jeans to tumble dry instead of line dry, you maximize the look of the fray.


  1. Shape the rip using a safety pin. If you are looking to create a hole instead of a small slit, you will need some extra help. Use the safety pin to pull loose threads. Start with the first thread. Insert the pin point in between the threads and slowly pull the single thread loose, then rip the thread from the jeans. Continue removing one thread at a time until you have the desired opening.


  1. Wear the jeans. Show off your newest creation by wearing the jeans. Remember that the more you wear them, the more the rip will become worn. Soon it will look as though you've been wearing your favorite jeans for years.

    Wear your ripped jeans with pride. It may take practice to wear your jeans down to the perfect rips and tears. Start with small rips and tears and you will be able to wear ripped jeans that look like they come from a designer retailer.

How to Manage Your Boss

Manage Your Boss


Managing your boss is not actually as difficult as you may think and "managing up" has become an acceptable term in today's corporate workplace. Irrespective of your position in the company, you need to speak the same language as your boss or the person you want to influence or 'manage', and focus on what matters to them. This is essential to succeeding in and developing your career, as at some point, you're likely to come across a boss, a colleague or a client who may be difficult to relate to or influence.


In today's work world, nobody makes it completely on their own. Managing up is just as managing down. But many people don't realize this. Instead, they waste time complaining about the boss and assume that they are powerless to change and imprve the relationship. If that sounds like you, consider this:

You Own 50% of your relationship with your boss and are 100% in control of your own behavior. And the way you behave towards your boss teaches him how to treat you.


Know your boss well:
Make efforts to know your boss well. Get yourself acknowledge with your boss's likes, dislikes, hopes, fears etc. understanding what all motivates your boss helps greatly in managing your boss effectively.

Don't rely on your boss for constant detailed guidance on every issue that comes up and avoid consulting them on a problem if you haven't spent at least 10 minutes thinking of possible solutions. It will impress your manager if you go to them with a tricky issue and then suggest ways to resolve it. Gradually develop a way of handling your boss by understanding what to deal with directly and what to consult on.


Be upfront about your ambitions:
Even if all you want is to stay just where you are, make sure that even this ambition is plainly communicated to your boss. Remember that your boss deserves to know all what all want.

Meet deadlines on time:
Trust me, there's no substitute for delivering what your boss has asked for, on time and up to standard that he or she has laid down for you. Remember that if your boss doesn't have to chase you for getting the work done, then you leave him or her with an opportunity to praise you for your efforts that you incorporated in getting the work done.

Provide your boss with objective feedback:
No matter whatever your organization does, your manager has the responsibility of meeting the performance targets laid down under company's rule. To do this effectively, he or she needs to know where things are going awry, rather than to find out the same things later. Your boss relies on you to give proper and objective, timely feedback. So make sure to give a good feedback to your boss about the things that needs to be changed rather than telling to everyone else for building a more constructive relationship with your boss.


Tips To Effectively Remove Blackheads

There are ways of curing blackheads, that most people know, such as regular skincare, eating a healthy low-fat diet, the use of quality cosmetics products. I have already written about the causes of blackheads and some ways of getting rid of them in "Blackheads Information and Treatment". Here are some easy and useful tips, which are not so well-known, but also help to rid yourself of blackheads. Anti-Blackhead Tip 1. Change Pillowcase

Change your pillowcase as often as possible.

 The oil produced by your hair follicles can accumulate on the pillowcase and then get to your face skin, which can cause blackheads and acnes. No wonder, that your evening skincare doesn't help to reduce blackheads.

Different Towels

Use a clean towel after washing your face. Every woman should use three different towels: the first one for the body, the second one for the intimate hygiene and the third towel for the face.

Widen Pores

Don't forget to steam your face before applying any mask on your face. This widens the pores, gives you more access to their content and lets you remove excess oil. To do this, use a steamer or just hot water. Another way to do this is to boil some camomile in a pan and keep your face over it with your head covered with a towel for a few minutes (be careful not to burn yourself). This is also recommended for the common cold cure.


Home remedies for treating blackheads

• One can put toothpaste on the blackhead before you go to bed. This helps reducing the swelling if kept overnight. But, make sure that it is the paste not the gel.

• Make a paste of ground radish seeds with water and apply on face to remove blackheads.

# Prepare a mixture of corn flour with egg white and apply on face. Let it dry completely for 1/2 hour. Dip your hands in warm water and massage your face and wash off. This when repeated regularly gives you a smooth skin.

• One of the great home-remedies for blackhead described in Ayurveda is applying a paste of fresh methi (fenugreek) leaves on the affected area every night for about 10-15 minutes and then rinsing it with lukewarm water. This will prevent blackhead as well as wrinkles.

• One can also place strawberry leaves on the blackhead, the alkalinity helps to reduce the swelling and cleanse the pores those are blocked.

• Good remedy for blackhead is extracting juice of one lemon and mixing it with equal quantity of rose water. An application of this mixture on the face and let it stay for about ½ hour. Rinse the face with fresh water afterwards. The treatment should be continued for about 15 days so that it will reduce blemishes, blackheads and scars.

• Another method to get rid of blackhead is to massage the face with the bark of fresh lemon before washing with lukewarm water.

• One can also apply fresh mint juice on the affected area every night for the treatment of blackheads, insect stings, eczema, and scabies.

. Natural products are really good for your skin. Prepare a blackhead curing mask at home. You will need 1 cup of oatmeal, 1 teaspoon of baking soda, 3 teaspoons of Aloe Vera juice. Mix everything. Apply this mask on dry face (better right after steaming) and leave for five minutes, then wash off. Do it twice a week.

• To prevent blackheads, one should eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Minimum five servings of fruits and vegetables are to be included in the diet. All blackhead home remedies should include a healthy diet.

&bullUse one tsp. of lemon juice and one tsp. of ground cinnamon as a scrub. repeat this everyday in the mornings for about a half month to see differences

Make a solution of one and a half cup of hot water and half tablespoon of boric powder. Dip one face napkin in the solution and pat on the face for sometime. Later rub the face with a cotton ball. This is a very useful blackheads remedy.

Jojoba oil is a good moisturizer for skin used after scrubs to remove blackheads and whiteheads.


These are some best tips to remove blackheads and whiteheads at home naturally.



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