Tips To Keep Your Teeth White
Yellowing of the teeth is a natural part of aging, but lifestyle and dietary factors like smoking and drinking red wine and coffee quicken the process. White teeth make a beautiful smile! Simple tips at home for whitening your teeth can really work if you do them consistently. Listed below are some simple tips to turn smiles from ashen to alabaster:
- Certain drinks, like caffeine, soda pop, black tea, red wine, or candy, as well as smoking, dull the gleam of teeth. If you cannot deny yourself a pleasure of sipping a cup of strong coffee in the morning or a glass of red wine in the evening, or if you are having a puff every now and then, you need to take care of your teeth more carefully.
Be sure to brush them thoroughly every time after you have drunk wine or tea, have eaten a candy, or smoked a cigarette. Whitening toothpastes, which contain polishing agents, can be helpful to a degree to remove stains from the surface of teeth, especially if they are used on a regular basis. - To get back the sparkle of your teeth, ask a dentist to recommend you the best over-the-counter whitening product that would suit the needs of your teeth. Remember that yellowish teeth, which have changed colour because of beverages or smoking, usually lighten well, but if your teeth have a brownish or greyish tint from taking antibiotics in a young age, commercial whiteners may not help.
- Stop biting your nails: Habitual nail chewers damage more than their cuticles; they can damage their teeth, too. If you have weakened enamel, you end up with an exposed, dented, soft area in the center of the tooth. And that's when the problem occurs. The denting is much softer than the enamel and if exposed to bad habits such as chewing nails, opening beer bottles, it will wear down. Often the middle part dissolves quicker than the outside and the brittle enamel is very prone to chipping, making the teeth look uneven and unattractive.
- Use a Straw: If you must have tea, cola or one of the other stain-mongering beverages listed above, be sure to use a straw. It helps the drink bypass the teeth and gums and cuts down on your chances for dingy teeth.
- Use a custom-made tray, manufactured by your dentist just for you. Such trays contain carbamide peroxide solution and fluoride, which work more gently and lighten teeth faster. A disadvantage of this method is that it can increase teeth's sensitivity. The cost can vary from $300 and up to $450
- Brushing and Flossing Habits: Brush your teeth twice daily - as soon as you wake up and last thing before going to bed. Brushing teeth daily with powdered neem leaves not only makes them pearl white 'but also keeps them healthy. You can also try brushing with a mixture of soda bicarb and powdered salt to make your teeth sparkling white. Rubbing salt on the teeth and rinsing off after sometime is equally helpful in making the teeth sparking white. You should rinse your mouth after you eat anything, so that food does not stick to the teeth. Flossing after every meal helps to erase stains between teeth.
- Brushing and Flossing Habits: Brush your teeth twice daily - as soon as you wake up and last thing before going to bed. Brushing teeth daily with powdered neem leaves not only makes them pearl white 'but also keeps them healthy. You can also try brushing with a mixture of soda bicarb and powdered salt to make your teeth sparkling white. Rubbing salt on the teeth and rinsing off after sometime is equally helpful in making the teeth sparking white. You should rinse your mouth after you eat anything, so that food does not stick to the teeth. Flossing after every meal helps to erase stains between teeth.
- Dry and grind orange peels to a coarse powder and brush your teeth daily with this powder for making them beautiful and sparkling white. Eat sugarcane daily to make the teeth strong and beautiful. Roast full turmeric and powder it. Apply this mixture on the teeth daily to get sparkling white teeth. Boil fenugreek seeds in water, let it cool and then gargle with the strained water to make your teeth strong and sparkling white. Powdered cloves and lump sugar not only makes your teeth white but also keeps them healthy if used daily.
- some foods can actually work to whiten your teeth while you eat! The following foods remove stains by exfoliating teeth before the stain molecules have the time to attach deeply to the surface. It is like a skin scrub for your smile. Foods that whiten teeth include:
* Apples
* Celery
* Carrots
* Spinach
* Broccoli
* Lettuce