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How much of your income should you invest?

The financial year 2008-09 is in progress and the investment opportunities are as many as ever! Are you thinking about how much to save and where to invest? For some ratios that may change the way you look at savings and investments, read on.
How to make money!
The longer you put off saving, the more you stand to lose, so to make more money start investing today! Look at the figures below for some insight:
Time Horizon

25 Years
20 Years
Amount invested (Rs)
Amount at Maturity (Rs)

One can easily comprehend the loss of income by a delay of 5 years!
A = P (1+R) ^n is a simple formula to calculate compound interest. Here, A is the interest accrued, P is the principal amount, R is the rate and n is the tenure of investment.
So how much should one save and invest?
There are no magic numbers or percentages to be saved and invested. A few financial ratios will augment your decision-making ability.
Liquidity Ratio: (Spare Cash+ Savings Account) / Average Monthly Expenses.

You should have the bare minimum as per the above ratio to meet sudden emergencies in life. A value of 3 for this ratio is appropriate i.e. money 3 times your monthly expenses should always be parked for liquidity!
If you earn 20k per month and have expenses to the tune of 8k, then it will be prudent to have at least 24k (8k * 3) in ready available cash.
Opportunity Ratio: (Spare Cash+ Contingency Fund) / Net Salary
This ratio calculates the idle cash lying with you, which in turn relates to the missed opportunity of investment! 10-15% of Net Salary lying as idle cash is optimum. Anything over and above it needs to be invested. Say with a take home pay of 20k you should not keep more than 3k (15% of 20k) in idle cash.
Savings Ratio: (Amount Invested Per Month / Net Salary)
This formula will be a guide for your investment needs. Taking inflationary factors, retirement corpus, illnesses, etc. into consideration, one has to set one's expectations. Age and financial liabilities after the earning potential dwindles will be the issues to ponder over.
Savings to the tune of 20 to 25%, i.e. 4k to 5k per month on a take home of 20k, depending upon your age and financial liabilities, are worthwhile. Maximize this number!
Solvency Ratio: Total Assets / (Total Loan + Other Liabilities)
Last, but not least, in case some exigency arises and you have to pay off all your liabilities, this ratio will help you determine your financial health. Solvency ratio >1.5 indicates a relative comfort zone. Anything close to 1 or < 1 indicates a red flag!
A person has credit card liabilities to the tune of 80k and personal loans of 40k with an Asset Value of 1.5 lakhs. The Solvency Ratio for such a person is 150,000/(80,000+40,000) = 1.25
Do you know of other ways to determine saving needs for the future? Are you a self-made financial analyst with some smart maney making acumen ? If so, then please share your invaluable experiences with our readers

Track Your Pregnancy Week By Week

Stage 1

the first stage (from 0-12 Weeks) will see your body undergoing many changes as it adjusts to your growing baby. It is important to understand that these are all normal events and that most of these discomforts will go away as your pregnancy progresses. Further, you may not even experience any of the symptoms listed below. Included here are some of the symptoms you may experience during your pregnancy and how best to deal with them.

Breast Changes
The mammary glands cause the breasts to swell and become tender in preparation for breastfeeding. This is due to an increased amount of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. These changes are aimed at preparing you to feed your baby when she arrives. A supportive bra should be worn. This will minimize stretching and sagging of the breast tissue.

A woman's areolas (the pigmented areas around each breast's nipple) will enlarge, darken and may become covered with small, white bumps called Montgomery's tubercles (enlarged sweat glands that look like large goose bumps). You'll also experience an increase in sensitivity in your breasts, but they should not remain tender to touch past the third or fourth month. In some women a network of bluish lines appears under the skin as blood supply to the breasts increases. After delivery, if you breastfeed, your breasts may increase another cup size

A woman may experience fatigue due to the physical and emotional demands of pregnancy. During your pregnancy, you might feel tired even when you've had a lot of sleep at night. Many women find they're exhausted in the first stage. Don't worry, this is normal! This is your body's way of telling you that you need more rest. Tiredness will pass over time and be replaced with a feeling of well being and increased energy.

When you are tired, get some rest. Try to get eight hours of sleep every night, and take a nap during the day if you can. If you feel stressed, try to find a way to relax. You might want to start sleeping on your left side, if you find it more comfortable. This will relieve pressure on major blood vessels that supply oxygen and nutrients to the fetus. Using a body pillow can help to comfortably support your body.

Once your body has adjusted to the increased demands placed upon it, you should have more energy. Until then, you may need to work fewer hours or take a few days off if you're really fatigued. Once your body is back to some semblance of normality, there is no reason why you shouldn't return to your job. You will probably find that you are happier and less anxious if you keep busy.

Mood Changes
Partly due to surges in hormones, a pregnant woman may experience mood swings similar to premenstrual syndrome (a condition experienced by some women that is characterized by mood swings, irritability and other physical symptoms that occur shortly before each menstrual period). You may also experience emotions such as fear, joy or elation.

Nausea and Vomiting
Increased levels of hormones that sustain the pregnancy may cause morning sickness, which is feelings of nausea that can sometimes lead to vomiting. In addition to the increased levels of hCG and estrogen, the rapid stretching of the uterine muscles, the relaxation of muscles in the digestive tract, an increase in acid in the stomach and the enhanced sense of smell pregnant women develop can all contribute to morning sickness.

Just over half of all expectant women experience the nausea and vomiting associated with morning sickness. However, morning sickness does not necessarily occur just in the morning and rarely interferes with proper maternal and fetal nutrition. Even those women that actually lose weight during the first few months of pregnancy because they have a hard time keeping any food down are not hurting their baby, as long as they make up for the lost weight later on. Also, if you are experiencing morning sickness, the symptoms usually don't linger much beyond the third month.

  • Try starchy foods, like toast, saltines, cheerios or other dry cereals. Keep some by your bed and eat them before you get out of bed in the morning and when you get up in the middle of the night. Also keep some with you at all times, in case you feel nauseous.
  • Get some extra sleep and relaxation and take it easy in the mornings. Minimizing your daily stress will help you cope better with morning sickness. While you rest, consider listening to some specially formatted cds that can help ease your symptoms.
  • Although you will likely want to brush your teeth after vomiting, try to avoid it for at least an hour. The contents of your stomach are acidic and this acid can coat your teeth when you vomit, causing some of your tooth enamel to dissolve. Instead of brushing, get the taste of vomit out of your mouth by smearing some toothpaste on your teeth and rinsing with water.

Frequency of Urination
The uterus is growing and begins to press on the woman's bladder, causing the need for her to urinate more frequently. Further, the increased volume of body fluids and the improved efficiency of the kidneys, help to rid the body more quickly of waste products. The pressure on your bladder is often relieved once the uterus rises into the abdominal cavity around the fourth month and doesn't return until the third stage when the baby "drops" back down into the pelvis in the ninth month. By leaning forward when you urinate, you will ensure that you empty your bladder completely and reduce trips to the bathroom.

It is important to remember that if you notice pain, burning, pus or blood in your urine to see your health care provider right away. You might have a urinary tract infection that needs treatment.

Gastrointestinal Symptoms
As the growing uterus presses on the rectum and intestines, constipation may occur. The muscular contractions in the intestines, which help to move food through the digestive tract, are slowed due to high levels of progesterone. This may, in turn, cause heartburn, indigestion and gas.

With gas, some women become so bloated that they are prevented from eating regularly and properly. By ensuring you have regular bowel movements (see below), eating many small meals instead of few big ones and eating slowly, you will avoid the risk of bloating and minimize your own discomfort. Also, be sure to steer clear of gas-producing food such as onions, cabbage, fried foods, rich sauces, sugary sweets and beans.

High levels of certain hormones circulating during pregnancy cause the muscles of the bowel to relax making bowel movements more sluggish. Also, the growing uterus puts pressure on the bowel, cramping its normal activity. The result is constipation. To prevent constipation, try to eat fresh or dried fruit, raw vegetables and whole grain cereals or breads everyday. Also, try to drink eight to ten glasses of water everyday. Some of these servings can be substituted with fruit or vegetable juice. Try to avoid caffeinated drinks (coffee, tea, colas, and some other sodas), since caffeine makes your body lose fluid and won't help with constipation. Also, holding in bowel movements can weaken muscles that control them and lead to constipation. So when you have to go, go!

Dizziness, feeling lightheaded, and even fainting can occur at any stage of pregnancy, since there now is extra blood going down towards your uterus and legs. Thus, sometimes there's not an adequate blood supply to fill the rapidly expanding circulatory system. This coupled with the pressure of an expanding uterus on the mother's blood vessels can lead to dizziness and sometimes faintness. If you experience dizziness when you get up too quickly this is due to a sudden shifting of blood away from the brain as you change positions. If this is the case, be sure to get up very gradually.

Another culprit might be low blood sugar levels. Ensure that you get some protein at every meal and that you eat frequent, smaller meals or try to snack between your meals. Another possible cause of your dizziness may be dehydration, so ensure that you're getting at least eight cups a day of fluids. Sometimes just getting some fresh air by going outside or opening a window may bring some relief. You can help relieve these symptoms by lying down on your left side. Or to help prevent them, try moving around more instead of sitting or standing in one position for a long time. Be sure to let your practitioner know about your dizzy spells at your next visit as it could be a sign of an underlying problem such as anemia.

Varicose Veins
Normal veins carry blood from your extremities and organs back to your heart. The veins contain a series of valves that prevent backflow of blood. If these valves are missing or faulty, blood will pool in the viens where the pressure of gravity is greatest, usually in the legs, but sometimes in the rectum or vulva, resulting in bulging. Varicose veins are more common in those who are overweight.

During pregnancy, pressure on the large veins behind the uterus and leg veins causes the blood to slow in its return to the heart. This, coupled with the pregnant woman's expanded blood volume and hormone-induced relaxation of the muscle tissue in the veins, can lead to varicose veins in the legs and hemorrhoids (varicose veins in the vagina or around the anus).

Varicose veins look like swollen veins raised above the surface of the skin. They can be twisted or bulging and are dark purple or blue in color. They are found most often on the backs of the calves or on the inside of the leg, anywhere from the groin to the ankle. Also, veins become more prominent on the surface of the breast. There may be a mild achiness or severe pain in the legs, or a sensation of heaviness, or swelling. In sever cases; the skin overlying the veins becomes swollen, dry, and irritated. In most cases, the problem will clear up or improve spontaneously after delivery, or by the time pre-pregnancy weight is reached.

Varicose vein symptoms can be treated with various techniques. From natural supplements surgery, there are a variety of effective varicose vein treatments.

Some women get spidery purplish-red lines on their thighs called spider veins. These result from the hormone changes of pregnancy and should not be confused with varicose veins. They usually fade and disappear after delivery. If not, they can be treated easily by a dermatologist.

Leg Cramps
At different times during your pregnancy, you might have cramps in your legs or feet. This is due to a change in the way your body processes, or metabolizes, calcium. One way to prevent these cramps is to make sure to get enough calcium through nonfat or low-fat milk, and calcium-rich foods. You also get some calcium in your prenatal vitamin, but you might need to take a calcium supplement if you don't get enough through your diet. Talk with your health care provider first about taking calcium supplements.

Fatigue and fluid accumulation in the legs are also thought to be contributing factors to leg cramps. You can limit the effect of fatigue and swelling by wearing support hose during the day and alternating periods of rest with your feet up, with periods of physical activity.

You can relieve leg and foot cramps by gently stretching the muscle. If you have a sudden leg cramp, flex your foot towards your body. If you point your foot to stretch your leg, the cramp could worsen. Wrapping a warm heating pad or warm, moist towel around the muscle also can help relax the muscle.

Rectal bleeding during pregnancy can be caused by internal or external hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are varicose veins of the rectum, and can cause itching and pain as well as bleeding. Constipation often causes or compounds both problems. If you do have bleeding from your rectum, make sure it is evaluated by a physician.

Increased Heart Rate
Cardiac volume increases by approximately 40 to 50 percent from the beginning to the end of the pregnancy, causing an increased cardiac output. An increased cardiac output may cause an increased pulse rate during pregnancy. The increase in blood volume is needed for extra blood flow to the uterus.

Excess Saliva
Early in pregnancy, it is common for women to experience overproduction of saliva. Though unpleasant, it's harmless and normally disappears after the first few months. It is more common in those women that also experience morning sickness. To try and dry things up a bit, try brushing your teeth frequently with mint toothpaste, rinsing with a mint mouthwash or chewing sugarless gum.

Heartburn and Indigestion
Due to large amounts of the hormones progesterone and relaxin that are produced during pregnancy, the smooth muscle lining in your gastrointestinal tract will relax, allowing food to move more slowly through your system, resulting in bloating and indigestion.

Heartburn occurs partly due to relaxation of the ring that separates the esophagus from the stomach. This allows the harsh stomach acid to come up and irritate the sensitive espophageal lining, causing a burning sensation.

Appetite Increase and Cravings
Due to your body's increased need for more nutrients and energy to sustain your growing baby, you may find that your appetite may be increased during this stage. You will probably find that your taste in food will change somewhat during pregnancy. This is mainly due to hormone changes. It is completely normal and will probably continue until your birth. If you find yourself craving something that you know you'd probably be better off without, then seek a substitute that satisfies the craving but without filling you up on empty calories. Occasionally giving in to less nutritious cravings is fine, as long as they don't include something risky. Most cravings disappear or weaken by the fourth month.

Workout for Sexy abs

If you don’t have time to go to the gym try an abs workout at home. You can still get excellent results and achieve that flat tummy or sexy six pack.
What you’ll need
To do a good abs workout at home you really don’t need all that much. However, some items will make the workout a little bit more comfortable and perhaps a little bit easier.
So, if you can find yourself:
• a table about knee height (coffee table) to put your feet up on while doing crunches;
• a gym mat or towel to put under your back;
• a dumb bell or weight disc to put on your chest;
• a good workout music CD
That is about all you will need.
What abs exercises are best at home?
The best abs exercises that you can do at home are the ones that require little to no fancy equipment and are done just using your body. And, as it turns out, these exercises are usually the best ones anyway! Working out with no equipment is an excellent way to make sure you are using proper technique and that you know how to do the exercise properly. Sometimes we can get caught up with all the fancy assistance that the gym provides and forget that technique is paramount.
For this home abs workout we will be using:
1. The Reverse Crunch;
2. The Twisting Crunch; and
3. The Weighted Crunch;
These are some very basic and core movements that are essential to abs training. They provide a very simple and effective way to make some fast progress. You will find that your abs are very sore after this workout!
How to do the abs exercises properly
These abs exercise are all based on similar motions and techniques.
The reverse crunch is simple. Start by putting your hands palms down on the floor underneath your lower back so that it creates a kind of seat. Extend your legs out almost parellel to the floor with a slight bend in your knee. Tense your abs. With your abs tensed bring your slightly bent legs up towards your chest. When they get to your chest crunch your abs and rock back on your hands so that you get a deeper crunch effect. This is the main secret of the reverse crunch - the final little pelvis tilt.
The crunches are done both the same except one has a twist. Start with your lower back on the floor and place your heels on a low table so that your legs are at a 90 degree angle. Place your hands on your temples or crossed over your chest. Tense your abs and curl your upper body up starting with your head until you go as far as you can without lifting your lower back off the ground. Crunch your abs and lower yourself slowly and start the next crunch without resting at all.
To do the twist crunch just add a twist at the top of the crunch so that you are facing to one side each time. When doing the weighted crunches simply add a weight on your upper chest to add more resistance.
The abs workout at home
Here is how you abs workout should be:
Reverse Crunches 3 15 -20
Twisting Crunches 3 15 - 20
Weighted Crunches 3 8 - 10
A final note on the home abs workout
Remember that all of these exercises should be done extremely slowly. Many women have the picture in their head that if they do the crunches quickly it means that they are working harder and burning more calories and getting fitter. This is wrong. You will get most out of the abs exercises if you do them slowly - really making the muscles in the midsection and stomach work hard!

Reasons Why You May Be undecided To Get a Divorce

There are a number of reasons for a person not following through with a divorce, however, if you are going to be moving on with someone else, rarely is staying married a good idea. First, if something happens to you medically your spouse is the one that will have the final say in your medical care. Would you really want someone that you may have left to be the one who decides if the plug gets pulled? In addition to that, your spouse would also be the one, by default, to receive any financial benefits, if there are any, in the event of your death. Also, if you have more money, the longer you stay married, the more likely you are to have to provide support for your spouse if they ask for it. You might say that you were separated and your spouse may say that you just abandoned them and they were trying to put the marriage back together. You may end up paying even though this wasn't the case just because of the amount of time you were married. Sorting through these issues is important. Just know that if you are married and you aren't ready to say goodbye, you don't have to. If you are ready, then don't be afraid to do what you have to do.

Following are the Reasons Why You May Be undecided To Get a Divorce

  • Money - It cost money to get divorced. Sometimes the person who wants the divorce may not have the financial means to see the process through. They may also be in a situation where they know that they will be required to pay something if they get divorced. If they know this and they don't have any money, they may stay married instead of actually getting the divorce even though they are living separately.
  • Taxes & Business - If you have a large amount of money tied up with your spouse, then the prospect of dividing all of it and getting all of your business and tax issues taken care off can sometimes make a person stay in the marriage. Even if they are living separate lives, it is often less painful to just stay married than it is to go through the entire process of splitting everything up.
  • Children - Many parents stay married because it 'looks' better for their children if they are still legally married even though they are living separate lives.
  • Appearances - For high powered couples, the social prospect of being classified as divorced is a stigma that neither may want to have. Instead, they stay together in name only and do whatever they want to do privately. It happens all of the time.
  • Love - The person could be hesitant because they still love their spouse. Even though some people do things to destroy their marriages (like being unfaithful), it doesn't mean that they don't care for and still love their spouse. Screwed up people do screwed up things even if they love the person they are screwing over.
  • Fear - Getting divorced adds a note of finality to everything. It is like putting the final nail in the coffin and covering it over with dirt. This is a hard thing to take for a lot of people, even if they have been doing their own thing for some time. It's like you know that you can't turn back after you do it. This is very scary for a lot of people and some will work hard to avoid it.
  • Laziness - Some people are just too lazy to go file the paperwork to start the process. Instead, they just decide to move on mentally and let the marriage stay the way it is.


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