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A new age Metro girl Full of confidence, energy and determination “She got an attitude and knows how to carry” This blog is dedicated to all Metro girls and her fighting sprit

YES, I am Metroholica

* Trends * Love N Sex * Health * Professional Fundas

Christmas dress ideas for girls

Glitter is very popular for Christmas  wear. It isteamed up with rich satins, luxurious velours and crisp taffetas. Rich, deep colors like plum, red, navy and basic black are hot.


For those who prefer simpler clothing, try ablack, navy or pewter colored skirt. Longer lengths from the knee down to the ground are more elegant. Skirts are feminine and elegant looking, but if this is not an option, then try a basic pair of pants. Look for a pair that is flared and possibly has a slit on the bottom of the pant legs. This is really hot this year. Black is always a great basic color and will go with any top.


For tops, most any blouse or t-shirt with a bit of glitter, frill or festive trim will do just fine.

Quick tips for Christmas  dressing for girls:

Do not wear blue jeans.

Do not wear t-shirts with logos on them.

Add some glitter (hair glitter, body gel, etc.).

Add some Christmas accessories such as a little purse (satin, velvet, etc.)

Try a pair of Christmas socks or perhaps use hair accessories with a bit of sparkle.

The simplest method of downloading the newest versions of the best software

Are you searching for google Talk or adobe reader? Don't spend your valuable time in search of your daily utility programs just go to, the simplest method of downloading the newest versions of the best software - without the usual excessive popups or spyware and without the low quality software.


  • Only the best software.
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  • they keep the old versions of programs, so if you update and don't like the new version, you can always return to the old one.
  • All software is 100% spyware and virus free.
  • Filtering feature to allow you to only show Freeware and/or Non-beta software.
  • Full support for resuming downloads and download managers.
  • Change log and technical details for downloads.
  • RSS feeds for all updates, categories and for individual programs.
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  • Update Checker to scan your machine for old software.

How to avoid the common cold

1.     Don't smoke. Cigarette smoke can irritate the airways and increase susceptibility to colds.     

2      Wash your hands often. Frequent washing of hands can destroy viruses that you have acquired from touching surfaces used by other people. 

3.     Throw tissues away after use. Used tissues are sources of virus that can contaminate any surface where they are left. 

4.      Avoid touching your face, if you are around someone with a cold. 

5.     Use paper towels in the kitchen and bathroom for hand-washing. Germs can live for several hours on cloth towels. Alternatively, have separate towels for each family member.

6.     Keep household surfaces clean. Door knobs, drawer pulls, keyboards, light switches, telephones, remote controls, countertops, and sinks can all harbor viruses for hours after their use by an infected person. Wipe these surfaces frequently with soap and water. 

7.     Control stress. Studies have shown that people experiencing emotional stress have weakened immune systems and are more likely to catch a cold than their calmer counterparts.

8.     Maintain a healthy lifestyle. While there isn't direct evidence to show that eating well or exercising can prevent colds, maintenance of a healthy lifestyle, can help ensure that your immune system is in good condition and ready to fight infection. 

A school romance and first date

 Here are some good teenage dating tips to get you started. These teenage dating tips, if put into practice, will make both you and your date comfortable so that you can relax and have a good time.

Make a Good Impression

The first date is when you have the best opportunity to make a good impression. Dress nicely and be well-groomed.

  • Don't accept gifts on a first date or from a guy you are not really interested in. Doing so sends the wrong signals, and may very well lead the guy on. Unless you are truly interested in having a relationship

·        , politely decline and thank him for the nice gesture.

·        Always look great!

·        If you do not know your date well, go on a double date or a group date. It's not a great idea to be completely alone with someone you barely know. For one thing, you will be more nervous. For another thing, it can be dangerous. If you cannot arrange a double date or a group date, agree to meet the guy in a busy, public. Have your parents or friends drop you off and pick you up. Do not arrive or leave alone.

·        Turn his head and look your best as you could meet a potential Mr. Right anywhere at any time

·        Never agree to something that makes you uncomfortable. This includes everything from going to a gory movie you don't want to see, to giving in to a guy's advances. You are in control of your actions and your body. Be honest about how you feel. If he does not respond in an understanding way, he cares more about himself than he does about you, and it's better for you to find out now.

  • Keep dates brief but keep your men interested. With men, "less is always more' Keep'em guessing. Mystery works, as you will find out!
  • No date is perfect. If you start out with extremely high expectations, you may end up disappointed. Try to relax. Just let the evening flow and see what happens. Don't expect him to say or do just the right things according to some romantic script you and your friends developed. He can't read your mind. Just be yourself, let him be himself, and enjoy the date for what it is.
  • If he is interested, he will make sure that you eat well and get home safely in a cab.
  • Try to get along with his friends. One thing that can destroy a relationship quickly is making someone choose between you and his friends. In most cases, he's been with his friends longer and it won't work out well for you. If he really likes you, he'll try to balance both relationships. If so, you need to try to be accommodating.
  • Go easy on the guy if you didn't really feel the sparks.
  • Never try to make someone give up interests or dreams for you. Ultimatums are a bad idea; they're also unfair. If he has been playing football since he was old enough to walk, he is not likely to give it up just because you say so. If he does give it up for you, he will be unhappy and will eventually resent you.
  • Never reveal information you don't have to. He must have practiced the pick-up line a hundred times over to make with your constant companion.
  • Enigmatic and humorous girls drive men wild.


After the Date

After your date, don't use overkill to make sure he is interested. If you start calling every day or several times a day you will sound like you're desperate or a stalker. Trust me, neither one is attractive or intriguing.

Phone Etiquette

When you do call, identify yourself and ask if the other person has time to talk. It shows that you understand they have other friends and activities and you aren't assuming they are available at the drop of a hat for you.


Don't Commit After the First Few Dates

Don't assume one or two dates mean you are a couple in a committed relationship.



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