
Trends,Health,Love,Professional Fundas, Flirting,Bitching and much more

A new age Metro girl Full of confidence, energy and determination “She got an attitude and knows how to carry” This blog is dedicated to all Metro girls and her fighting sprit

YES, I am Metroholica

* Trends * Love N Sex * Health * Professional Fundas

How to Control Your Blood Pressure ?

Balance your minerals

Aside from reducing your sodium intake (you should have less than 2,300 mg a day, or about 1 teaspoon of salt), make sure you're getting enough potassium and magnesium. These minerals work with sodium and calcium to maintain healthy blood pressure levels, says cardiologist Nieca Goldberg, MD, medical director of NYU's Women's Heart Program. You need 350-400 mg of magnesium and 4,700 mg of potassium a day, which you can get by eating at least 2 1/2 cups of fruits and veggies. Particularly good sources of these minerals include soybeans, spinach, potatoes, kidney beans and bananas.

Rethink your food choices

Watch out for aged, fermented, pickled or cured foods, such as sausage, bacon, ham, lunch meat and aged cheeses. "Not only are these high in sodium, but they also contain tyramine, an amino acid-based compound that can increase blood pressure in people who take certain medications like monoamine oxidase inhibitors [MAOIs]," says Annie Neuendorf, MPH, RD, of Northwestern Memorial Hospital's Wellness Institute in Chicago.

Try yoga

In a study from Yale University School of Medicine, people who took a 90-minute yoga and meditation class three days a week for six weeks significantly reduced their blood pressure. Don't worry if you're short on time or not so limber. Taking even 10 minutes each day to stretch, breathe deeply and clear your mind should help a little.

Ten tips on saying goodbye

• Accept that you will take some time to get over the split. Make a list of all the support systems you have, including friends and family. Talk to them about how they can help you through a tough time – this may include lots of listening but they can also help you get back into other activities or assist with practical problems such as finance and child care. But try not to overuse one or to talk about your ex all the time.
• Accept some of the blame for what went wrong. Some people find it hard to accept the part they played.
• In the same vein don't blame yourself for everything. Be willing to see what you contributed to the break-up. This may help you to move on and not stay stuck in difficult feelings.
• Look after yourself physically and emotionally. Don't think you don't matter any more because your relationship has broken up. Why not take up a new activity or arrange to do something you've always wanted but never got around to. Arrange a regular keep fit night with a friend. An appointment that takes you out of the house can help lift your spirits.
• If you have children, do your best to keep them out of any mudslinging and don't use them to get at your partner. Try also not to make them take sides or choose between you and your partner. Remember, even if you separate you can still be a good mother or father.
• Hold on to what was good in the relationship. Don't pretend it was all bad.
• If you can talk to each other about what when wrong, do. See if you can meet socially on neutral territory to address unanswered questions. You need to keep the lines of communication open in order to sort out the practicalities of separating such as selling the house or dividing possessions.
• Try to understand what went wrong and make sense of what happened. It will help you in future relationships.
• In your lowest moments try to remember that people do move on from splitting up and that you too may well feel less upset in time.
• When it becomes clear you need to separate, be as kind to each other as possible. You may not be able to achieve this until you have had a breathing space to reflect on what went wrong.

Amazing sex tips for girls

Lather up

Have a shower or bath together. Use plenty of lather. There is no sensation quite like having a lovers soapy, smooth hands gliding across your skin.

Make the first move

No hot-blooded bloke's going to turn his nose up at a foxy girl trying to get him into bed, so don't worry about making the first move from time to time - taking the lead with a quick cuddle and a passionate snog will be enough to let him know what you've got in mind - go girl!

Pucker up Kiss the back and spine of your lover. Placing a row of kisses along your lovers spine is an especially sensuous thing to do.

Kissing your lover's thighs can be especially erotic. Place your head on your lover's lap. You can even pretend to fall asleep. A few kisses on his or her thigh should be a reminder that you are awake.

While you are kissing your lover you should stroke and caress all of the areas of his or her body.

Text him

During the day, text him and tell him what you are planning to do to him when you get home.

He won't be able to get home fast enough!

Boost your partner's confidence

Telling your partner how good / stunning / exciting / sexy they are will do wonders for your sex life, as self-confidence and sexual prowess are linked, so the better your partner feels about themselves, the more fun you'll both have.

Snap happy

Try taking sexy snaps of each other - a Polaroid film is the safest option and you'll get instant results.

Failing that a digital camera - but make sure you trust your partner completely if you don't want to see pics of yourself splashed over the internet!

The pulse-breathing technique

To get all fired up for sex, try the pulse-breathing technique prior to sex.

Sit opposite each other, close your eyes and inhale slowly, letting the air fill your lungs, then exhale in a series of three short, sharp breaths. Repeat twice and then go for it. It should help to highten the pleasure for both of you, because your breathing will be in sync.

Sexy shopper

Shop for sex toys together - either on-line or in-store.

This is a great opportunity for bonding, as well as revealing what each of you like.

Sex strike

Tease each other by doing everything but penetration to make sex exciting again (and yes you need to be in your best pulling pants).

Go Lara

Plan a sexual adventure - a surprise night where each must come prepared with a sexual adventure for the other (be sure to bring all the necessary props and tools).

Go crazy, be creative, have a little fun.

The eyes have it

Look at your partner directly in the eyes when you're having sex or giving him a blow job.

It'll blow him away.


Don't waste time worrying about what he thinks of your body.

He's not perfect either, and while you're worried about your wobbly bum and thunder thighs, he's probably worried about his beer belly or skinny arms. If you really can't face the thought of going naked, then sexily suggest you keep some of your clothes on. Or turn out the light and tell him to feel his way around.

Ice ice baby

Using something extremely cold on warm flesh will have him rigid with anticipation. Using an ice cube, write a message on his back telling him what you are going to do to him.

Sweet delight

Paint each other's bodies with edible paints. Or improvise with something from the refrigerator like chocolate syrup or whipped cream.

Create the mood

There are a number of ways to create a romantic, sensual mood.

Try: Incense, Perfuming Your Skin, Flowers, Wine or Champagne, Silk or Satin, Soft Light or Oils and Lotions.

Kiss it better

Make a pact to kiss for at least five minutes before you do anything else.

Start by tracing the outline of his lips with your fingers and then slipping your fingers into his mouth so he can suck on them. Lick his lips with the tip of your tongue, then blow on them. Slowly suck on his lower lip. Don't forget to moan while you're kissing, the vibrations will rocket through his body.

Vibrator heaven

Incorporate a small vibrator into your lovemaking. For example, try using it on her while performing oral sex.

Share your fantasies

Sharing fantasies can provide a fantastic sex game.

However, don't tell him you fantasize about his dad, brother, best friend etc unless you want him running for the hills!


Many men respond to some sexy words, ideas and commands spoken by their loved ones.

Anything from sharing fantasies to getting downright frisky is included here, so expand your vocabulary, get your imagination going and wait for the results!

Delay it

Resist the temptation to reach orgasm.

Delay it and enjoy the sensuality and eroticism of the act. When this happens it will be that much more intense later.


Masturbate in front of your partner and get them to return the favour.

You'll both learn about each other and enjoy the sexy show...

A guided tour

Give your fella a guided tour of your body.

Experiment with ice and hot breath. Ask him to play with your mons pubis(The fleshy area that covers your pubic bone). Gently massaging and tugging on the pubic hair will send you into a tailspin of pleasure.

Naked chef

Cook naked with your boyfriend. Sweating over a hot stove is the perfect opportunity to get kinky.


Blindfold your lover and tell him an erotic story. Let your imagination run wild. Involve props - if you know your lover loves being tied up, make that part of your turn-on tale.

Fantasy Box

Together, take the time to create a "fantasy box." On separate pieces of paper, jot down fantasies, fold them up, and put them in the box.

When the mood strikes you - pull one out at random.

Blindfold him

This gives you the freedom to do anything you want without worrying how ridiculous you look.

Better still, as well as the blindfold, why not gently tie your bloke's hands to the bedposts so he can't reach out and stop your teasing - the anticipation will drive him wild!

Alfresco nookie

Exciting but risky - so pick your place carefully!

Talk about sex

Your boyfriend is a boy.

That means he's up for just about anything when it comes to sex. If you don't say anything he's prone to just get on top and go like a rabbit.

Make some noise

A new study shows that 80% of men would prefer their woman to make much more noise in bed.

It seems guys love to hear that you're appreciating their efforts.

Give good head

Oral sex is something you get better at the more you do it. If you lack confidence try these:

1) Place one hand around his penis so you can control his thrusts.
2) Treat his penis like an ice lolly, running your tongue over the most sensitive areas
3) Take him into your mouth and slowly start to do your thing.

If it feels uncomfortable just let your hands take over the action and go back when you feel ready. Above all, have a good time.

Ditch the Kama Sutra

The last thing you fancy after a day at work is a sex marathon.

Relationship expert, Judi James says: 'Putting sex on to your to do list turns into a chore. So relax, take a shower, and invite him in to get cosy over a few soapsuds.'

Have no shame

The wilder you act in front of him, the more turned on he'll be.

Take one of his hands in both of yours and then use it as a tool to pleasure yourself. Start by licking and sucking each of his fingers provocatively, then run his hand over your neck, down your back, across your breasts and stomach and finally up your thighs towards your clitoris. Make sure you don't let go of his hands at any point.

Get your bits out

Be proud of your assets!

Over 98% of men (so that's all the one's that aren't blind) are turned on my sexy visual stimuli - like the sight of your naked body. So do yourself a favour - turn up the lights, pull back the sheets and shamelessly put yourself and your body on full view. He'll be so stimulated, you can just lie back and enjoy!

Sexy games

Dare him to play some naughty games.

Sexperts claim saucy scenarios can spice up even the most boring of lovers and entice you both into sexual antics you might normally feel too shy to try. How about a naked version of spin the bottle where you make your dares as raunchy as possible? And if he feels too stupid/shy/embarrassed - blindfold him so he can't see what he's doing as you both play.
Abortion in India is illegal. However it is permitted under law only in special circumstances. These include when the woman was raped, when the child would suffer from severe disability, failure of contraceptive devices etc.


Majority of the people believe that abortion is illegal in India, but in special circumstances when the woman doesn�t really have a choice abortion is allowed.

The rules with regard to when abortion is legal or not are under the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act and it also provides for special situations in which a woman has the right to have an abortion for her own peace of mind, like when she was raped.

The decision to have an abortion is under law is in the hands of the woman and her doctor. The opinion of the father of the child as to whether the woman can have an abortion or not is immaterial to determine whether it�s legal or not.

ABCs of Indian Law
Family Laws
Business Laws
Police and Crime
Motor Vehicles Laws
Transfer of Property
India Laws Index

Special Circumstances like when raped, or failure of contraceptive devices

There are special circumstances provided under law when regardless of whether it is the opinion of a doctor that having a child would involve a risk to the life of the woman, cause her grave mental or physical injury or that the child may be born with severe disabilities, a woman can have an abortion.

Tip: When the woman was raped, or was using contraceptive devices and they failed it is assumed that having a child would cause grave injury to the mental health of the woman and so she is allowed to have an abortion.

For the Unmarried Women

Abortions for unmarried women are done on the basis of the assumption that having a child would constitute grave injury to their mental health.
But they need the opinion of doctor(s) to state that it would cause such grave injury. Also the doctor has to take into consideration the current financial and other conditions (like age) of the woman and what would be the likely situation in the future for the mother and the child, when deciding whether doing the abortion would be legal or not.

Sex Determination Tests

In India, some families would rather have a son than a daughter. So when it is possible to determine the sex of the child, many women do the test, or are forced to do the test, and then made to kill the child if it is a girl. This is known as female foeticide, and to prevent this from happening (as abortion is legal so foeticide is not a crime necessarily) a law was passed which made having an abortion after being aware of the sex of the child, a crime. It is also a crime to do a particular test called the amniocentesis test, which is a test largely to determine the sex of the child.

There are 927 females to 1000 males in India right now, which indicates that in spite of preventive measures abortion of the female foetus, and female infanticide is still taking place.

When Something Goes Wrong During the Abortion

When something goes wrong during an abortion, you have the same rights against the doctor doing the abortion that you would have against any other doctor who is treating you, or doing a procedure on you. Your rights are as a consumer of services that he is delivering as a medical professional.

Remember that abortion in the first twelve weeks at least, cannot be called surgery or something that requires specialized skill. So your rights are on the basis of the reasonable care that the doctor should exercise when delivering his professional services.

Causing Miscarriage

In some circumstances, causing a miscarriage or aborting the child is an offence under criminal law. If a registered medical practitioner does an abortion according to all the conditions given under the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act then the abortion is legal. However if a person has caused a miscarriage or abortion, but it was not done in good faith to save the life of the woman, then this act is punishable under law. This act is an offence...

* with or without the consent of the woman

* when the woman does it herself

* when the accused does it voluntarily

There are also provisions to prevent the killing of the unborn child, or preventing the birth of a child when it is not a legal abortion as per the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, or if it was not done in good faith to save the life of the woman under Section 312 of the Indian Penal Code.

This was done by the government to put an end to the practice of female foeticide


Prevent skin problems in SUMMER

How you can avoid skin-tan, acne, body odour and various other fungal infections
Summer is here and with the mercury levels rising every day, the heat and humidity play a major role in our lives, keeping us hot and bothered. Summer brings with it a host of skin problems, some of which are:
Skin tan and burn: A suntan is actually the body’s defence mechanism against strong sunlight and the visible evidence of damage to the skin. Severe sunburn results in the redness of the skin, skin peeling and sometimes itching. The treatment for this lies in:
Avoiding sunlight and using a calamine lotion during the day. Also taking an allergic tablet during the day and night for a week along with a very mild steroid lotion at bedtime will help.
Acne: Aggravation of acne (pimples) as the heat, humidity, dead skin cells and oil tend to clog the pores thereby leading to comedones (blackheads) and then acne. Hygiene plays an important role. The treatment is in the form of:
Applying a ‘mud-pack’ once a week to absorb the oil.
Having plenty of water and taking supplements of Vitamin A, zinc and antioxidants and applying an erythromycin gel at bedtime.

Prickly heat: Excessive sweating and increased dead cell turnover blocks the sweat glands and causes a rash-like picture commonly known as ‘prickly heat’ especially in the folds of the skin where the sweat accumulates and maybe also on the the back. This leads to itching. The treatment lies in the form of:
Having cool showers, wearing loose clothes, putting talcum powder after a bath, applying calamine lotion on the rashes.

Rosacea: This is characterised by red and inflamed skin especially on the cheek, chin and frown areas of the face. The rash can also lead to tiny boils on the cheeks and maybe even to severe acne if left untreated. The treatment is in the form of:
Avoiding sunlight, using a soapfree face wash and a good sunscreen, reducing stress with yoga, meditation, having an antacid or aloe vera juice in the morning on an empty stomach.

Fungal infections of the skin:
This is very common in the hot and humid weather. The fungi thrive in the humid weather and areas where there is less aeration as in the folds of the skin especially in people who wear tight clothing, shoes the whole day long and synthetic clothing. The treatment is in the form of:
Having a shower more often, using an anti-fungal powder in the body folds after a bath and applying an anti-fungal cream at bedtime on affected areas.

Dandruff: Dandruff is a result of over-secretion of oil on the scalp mixed with increased dead cell turnover, sweats and the pollution around. This leads to a ‘scale’ formation on the scalp which is not only unhygienic but can also lead to hairfall, itching and eventually pimples on the forehead and back. The treatment is in the form of:
Washing your hair often in summer. Using a medicated shampoo containing 2 per cent ketaconozole and ZPTO (zinc pyrithione).
Using home remedies like lemon juice or curds on scalp before washing the hair.
Increased pigmentation: Normal skin and skin with pigmentation problems seems to look darker when exposed to the summer sun. This is because exposure to sun activates the melanin to rise to the upper layers thereby increasing pigmentation. The treatment is in the form of:
Avoiding direct sunlight.
Using a sunscreen of a good SPF mixed with calamine lotion atleast 2-3 times in the day.
Using an umbrella and sunglasses while going out in the sun and sun visors for the car.
Using a skin lightening cream at bedtime.
Taking supplements of vitamin C, folic acid and antioxidants.
Body odour:
This is a characteristic unpleasant body smell which is not only due to increased sweat accumulation but also due to a bacterial decomposition of the same. This could be quite an embarrassing condition for many. To avoid body odour:
Use loose, cotton clothing.
Have a shower 2-3 times a day.
Use a medicated soap especially in the body folds.
Use an anti-fungal powder and deodorant in the body folds.
Reduce caffeine intake and only drink herbal and green tea.
Use a fragrance on clothes rather than on the skin to prevent pigmentation.

Hotpants are hot this summer

Shorts have always been around, but this time, they are being introduced

as a viable alternative to formal or semi-casual dressing According to experts, wearing a revealing tank top with skimpy shorts will show that you don’t understand the trend.

The shorts that are really in are the more tailored ones. They tend to have cuffs and are made out of more expensive looking fabrics.Accessories are also very important to give a more dressed-up look to shorts.
Please visit for full article 

Top 12 Dating Tips To Get Your Ideal Man

Dating doesn't have to be a guessing game. Not according to Patti Stanger, owner and founder of the world-renowned "Millionaires Club", which matches up millionaire suiters with women from around the world.
Patti's company has grown into an international sensation because of the thousands of successful relationships, engagements and marriages it has created. Patti, whose in charge of each match, knows exactly what it takes to find the person you want.
Below are her top 12 dating Do's and Dont's to make sure you get your man - and keep him

1) Make a top 10 non-negotiable list of the things you want in your man. Put them in priority sequence using four categories: spiritual, physical, emotional and mental.  please visit for full article 



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