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A new age Metro girl Full of confidence, energy and determination “She got an attitude and knows how to carry” This blog is dedicated to all Metro girls and her fighting sprit

YES, I am Metroholica

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What causes weight gain menopause?

The following are just some of the most common reasons that lead to weight gain. Younger women should aware of these causes so they can plan some ways to avoid gaining weight too much at the menopausal stage of life.

1. Lack of exercise or reduced levels of exercise.

This is the considered as the number one reason why more and more women experience menopause weight gain. Studies indicate that as women age, they tend to move slower and are less energised. This leads to them accumulating fats in specific areas of their bodies.

To avoid menopausal weight gain, younger women or even those who perimenopausal (approaching menopause) can start increasing their physical activities by having regular daily exercise and a workout that is specially designed for them and within their physical capabilities (suited to their age and level of fitness).

2. Increased food intake. This is another major reason why women gain too much weight during their menopausal stage. Experts say that as women grow older, their appetite increases which leads to the accumulation of too many calories which later on turn to fat since they are utilised as they are by younger women who are more active.

3. Inability to burn as many calories.

Some studies suggest that this is also a significant factor that contributes to menopause weight gain since the body replaces this excess fat with calories more easily which are subsequently harder to burn off. Once the muscle growth slows in the body and is replaced with fat, the bodies metabolism will be slowed as a result which will lead to even more deposits of fats in the body.

It is also suggested by doctors and researchers that women who have menopause weight gain in their family histories are more prone to this condition.

To avoid suffering from the concerns over menopausal weight gain it is best to start to include more healthy foods in the diet, take regular physical exercise and visit the doctor once in a while for a general check up on your health

Walk It Off - Treadmill Workout

It is recommended that you do this workout at least 3 times a week.
The beginner's routine burns about 155 calories. The advanced routine
burns about 203 calories and should be done 1x per week and then 2x
the following week.
As with any exercise routine make sure you visit your doctor before
starting a new routine.
ime (Minutes), Incline, Speed
0:00-5:00 1% 3.0 mph
5:00-7:00 2.5% 3.3 mph
7:00-8:00 2% 2.7 mph
8:00-11:00 4% 3.3 mph
11:00-12:00 3% 2.7 mph
12:00-16:00 4% 3.5 mph
16:00-17:00 3% 3.0 mph
17:00-21:00 4% 3.5 mph
21:00-23:00 3% 3.0 mph
23:00-25:00 3% 3.3 mph
25:00-30:00 1% 3.0 mph
Advanced Routine
Time, Incline, Speed
0:00-5:00, 2%, 3.3 mph
5:00-8:00 4% 3.7 mph
8:00-9:00 3% 3.4 mph
9:00-13:00 5% 3.3 mph
13:00-14:00 3% 3.5 mph
14:00-19:00 6% 4 mph
19:00-20:00 3% 3.5 mph
20:00-24:00 6% 4.3 mph
24:00-25:00 4% 3.6 mph
25:00-30:00 2% 3.3 mph

For Sparkling white teeth

Whether you purchase strips over the counter in a pharmacy, answer an ad on late-night TV or have treatment in your dentist’s office, all the whitening agents are based on a peroxide solution. The solution cleans teeth with a bubbling action that removes stains trapped in your teeth’s enamel. Whitener types differ by strength of the peroxide solution and by delivery method.
Your dentist can help you choose the appropriate whitener.
Inexpensive over-the-counter products, such as whitening strips, have about 4 per cent peroxide solution and can whiten teeth by two or three shades. In the tray-and-gel solution, the dentist prepares a mouthpiece filled with gel for the patient to wear a few hours every night for about two weeks.
This method has 10 to 15 per cent peroxide, and can whiten the teeth by about eight shades. Powerful whitening systems administered in the dentist’s office have a concentrated peroxide solution of about 35 per cent.
Over the course of a single hour-and-a-half treatment, teeth can be whitened by 12 to 14 shades. So, someone who has quit smoking after 20 years and wants to whiten his teeth may need a more powerful solution than a young person with good dental hygiene who just wants her teeth a little brighter for a special occasion.
Whiteners do not wear down your enamel, nor do they actually colour or bleach your teeth.
Tooth enamel is a crystal, like a diamond with many facets. Over time, stains collect between the facets and discolour the teeth. The peroxide cleans out the stains — it is not an acid that disintegrates the enamel. You can get as many treatments as you like (though beware of the blinding-smile effect).
Excessive treatment leads to an unnatural appearance.
Don’t go overboard with whitening. Your dentist can help determine what level and type of treatment is appropriate for you. The colour resulting from too many treatments is unnatural. Let your pearly whites be pearly white. When they say your teeth should have a healthy glow, they don’t mean glow in the dark. Teeth become discoloured not only from smoking but from what you eat and drink. Coffee and tea are among the most common causes of tooth discolouration. The rule of thumb is that anything that ruins your tablecloth can stain your teeth: Think tomato sauce, blueberry pie, red wine. If your teeth are discoloured from the inside out, whitening may not be effective. Some antibiotics often administered in children to fight ear infections, can eventually change the shade of your teeth if used repeatedly.
Patients with periodontal disease may be disappointed by the results of whitening.
Gum disease or periodontal disease can cause gums to recede, exposing the root surface and making the tooth look longer. The root surface does not whiten. Whitener will leave the tooth two-toned. It cleans the lower portion, but the area along the gum line remains dark.
Whitening products are generally safe.
The few known side effects include gum irritation, which is usually a result of an ill-fitting mold in the tray-and-gel solution, and cold sensitivity, which primarily affects people with gum disease. Occasionally, patients have cited allergic reactions to the peroxide agent or the preservatives in overthe-counter whiteners. As with any oral treatment you’re considering, consult your dentist. He/she may tell you that you just need to brush more anyway.

Dating tips to keep you safe on a date

Keeping yourself safe when you are out on a date is really important, especially when you don't know the person you are dating really well yet. Here are 10 ways to keep yourself safe on a date.

Never Leave Your Drink Unattended While On A Date
If you have a drink and you need to go to the bathroom, get a fresh drink when you come back to the dinner table. While you are at the table, always keep your drink on the opposite side of w here your date is sitting. If you want a drink, never let someone other than the bartender or waitress bring it to you. Letting someone bring you a drink may stroke your ego and make you feel special, but, it provides people with a prime opportunity to slip something into your drink. It doesn't matter if you are a man or a woman. It doesn't matter if you feel a connection with the person you are dating or not. What matters is keeping yourself safe. It isn't a matter of trust. It is a matter of being smart and being careful.

Don't Carry All Of Your Very Valuable Items On A Date
Don't carry every credit card you own, all of your jewelry and all of your money out on a date. In addition to the fact that you could be robbed, if you drink you stand the chance of being in an inebriated state. If you are in an inebriated state and you have a lot of valuables, you stand a chance of losing everything you own. It's not worth it. Take enough money to ensure that you can get home if something happens and leave the rest at home.

Provide Your Own Transportation To And From Your Date
If you are going on a date, you should agree to meet up with your date instead of letting them pick you up. By meeting up with your date, you maintain control of when you can leave. Let's face it, you don't know the person you are dating really well yet. What if they drink or do drugs while on your date and they are driving? If they go to the bathroom to do it, you may never know that they are high or inebriated. You place yourself at extreme risk when you date someone knew and you don't drive yourself. If you don't have a car, make sure that you take pepper spray along with you. You may be able to save yourself.

Always Tell At Least 3 People Where You Are Going And What Time You Expect To Be Back
You may think that once you are grown you don't have to report in any more. Let me tell you something. Reporting in can save your life. I'm not saying to go call your mother or your father, but, you should make sure that at least three of your friends know where you are going to be going on your date. You should tell at least three friends to make sure that there are multiple people looking out for you and multiple people that are aware that you are out on a date. The information you give to your contact should include the name of the person you are going out with, a number for that person, the places you are going, a contact number for you and when you can be expected home. It would be very sad if something happened to you and no one even suspected that something was wrong for days. You have to put your pride aside and think about your safety.

If You Go On A Date With A Group, Make Sure You Leave With The Group
When you are out on a date, never leave your group and go with someone you meet. This is something that a lot of people ignore when they are out. They go out with friends and meet someone they like. They start talking and, before you know it, they decide to leave with the person they just met. This is, to say the least, stupid. If you are a man or a woman - it is just stupid. Do you know how many people have died doing this? If you go with a group, don't leave your group. There is nothing that you are going to talk about after you leave that can't wait. Many people leave places like clubs with people they don't even know. They don't know their first name, middle name, last name, where they live, what they like or anything else. Think about it. If someone you didn't know walked up to your car and asked you for a ride, would you give them a ride? Of course not! So why would you leave with someone that you don't know just because you exchanged a few words? It makes absolutely no sense.

If You Are Meeting Up Somewhere, Make Sure You Date In A Public Place
When you are meeting someone for a date, a public place can provide a safe venue for you to have a date. An open restaurant can offer you a very safe place for a date. When looking for a place, you want to select a place where there are people around, a place where people can see you and a place where you can have fun and relax.

Take Pepper Spray With You On Your Date
There are a lot of nice discreet bottles of pepper spray that you can easily take with you on a date. This may seem a little extreme, but, there is nothing like having it if you should ever need it. Besides being able to possibly stop a crazy person. So you can possibly protect yourself from crazy people .

Make Sure You Plan For The Unexpected While On Your Date
When you are on a date, there will be times when things happen. Make sure that you plan for the unexpected. For instance, Always carry enough money to cover yourself in the event of an emergency. You never know what may happen and both men and women need to be prepared.

If You Can, Schedule Your Date During The Day
If you can, schedule your date for an afternoon or during the day. Although dates at night can be romantic, your first few dates should be about getting to know the person you are dating and staying safe. Keep yourself safe. When you meet during the day, you can really take your time and get to know your date without the pressure of feeling like you have to think about where the date is going to end at night.

Make Sure You Have A Cell Phone With You And Make Sure Your Phone Is Charged
Nothing is worse than having an emergency and not having a cell phone or any phone to use to call for help. Having a cell phone in today's society is a necessity. It is not an extravagance. Get the cheapest plan you can find or a pay as you go plan if you don't have a lot of money, but, make sure you get yourself a phone. If you break down in your vehicle, get put out of someones car, need to be rescued, need to be helped or need to call anyone in an emergency situation, a cell phone can save your life. Make sure you have a phone when you go on a date.

Trust Your Instincts Or Trust the Instincts Of People You Know And Trust
If something doesn't seem right with a person who may be trying to pick you up, make sure that you trust your instincts. What happens if you don't have good instincts? If you can't trust yourself, then trust the instincts of someone you trust. If all of your friends tell you that something is wrong with someone you met then take a break and see if what your friends are saying have merit. I'm not saying that you shouldn't date someone because your friends don't have a good feeling about the person, but, sometimes other people can see things that you may not see.

20 Signs You're About To Lose Your Job

1. Your workload is reduced.
2. You start receiving memos about the company's "new direction."
3. Your company introduces technology that replaces humans.
4. Your company starts to close branches in the name of "consolidation."
5. Your company is sold to, or merges with, another company.
6. Your industry in general is starting to outsource.
7. Your industry is in the news and words like "cutbacks" and "downturn" are used.
8. Your company's stock is dropping in value.
9. Your boss asks if you'd consider a pay or benefit decrease.
10. Your boss doesn't like you and is not showing signs of changing.
11. Your mentor/boss-who-likes-you leaves the company.
12. Your boss is replaced by someone who is known for preferring a "hand-picked" team.
13. You aren't invited to important meetings.
14. Your boss "forgets" to give you info you need to do your job.
15. You aren't copied on important emails.
16. You've been getting negative employee reviews.
17. You are getting more written, and less oral, feedback on your performance.
18. You recently screwed up big time.
19. You're not getting the good assignments.
20. You are given all the grunt work.
21. You're being given goals that are impossible to achieve.
22. You're asked to work on a "special" project that has nothing to do with your skills or experience.
23. Your subordinates are being given some of your job responsibilities.
24. You haven't received a raise in a very long time.
25. You've seen a job posting that sounds an awful lot like your job.


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