
Trends,Health,Love,Professional Fundas, Flirting,Bitching and much more

A new age Metro girl Full of confidence, energy and determination “She got an attitude and knows how to carry” This blog is dedicated to all Metro girls and her fighting sprit

YES, I am Metroholica

* Trends * Love N Sex * Health * Professional Fundas


Eat healthy. Include all food groups and avoid added sugar and refined flour.

Eat fresh. Fresh foods have more nutrients and are more delicious.

Don’t worry, be happy. Stress and unhappiness ages you

Apply sunblock generously and frequently. And avoid the sun at peak hours. Bright light of the sun can do enormous damage to the skin. But you do need a little bit of sun for your body to make its own Vitamin D. Therefore, take a light sunbath preferably in the morning, or whenever it is convenient to you. If you live in a sunny, warm area and have a long commute, polarize your windows to reduce sun exposure.

Use sunglasses. This will protect your eyes and avoid wrinkles between them. Make sure that you buy sunglasses with UV protection.

Drink with your mouth, not a straw. Using straws might also cause wrinkles around the mouth. Therefore, sip directly from the bottle or a glass.

Sleep on your back. The pressure on you face during the night has a negative effect on the face. Some models and Hollywood celebrities sleep with silk pillows to avoid more rigid wrinkles on the pillow to touch their skin.

Keep your weight constant. Weight fluctuations of more than 15 pounds will cause your skin to lose its elasticity and will result in wrinkles.

How to Use Social Networking Sites to Promote Yourself

As they say "It's not what you know but who you know that makes the difference."

Here are some tips on using online social networking to increase your business:

1. Join sites that interest you, so you will have fun participating. Pick sites that will you a chance to showcase your expertise.

2. When you sign up, make sure you are a REAL person! Don't be "sxychk2008" or "businessmama." Use your real name – NOT your company name because it feels like you are selling your business. After all, how can people do business with you if they cannot find you?

3. Actively participate by commenting on discussions and starting your own discussions. Be careful that you do not shove your business down everyone's throat!. Your profile is about what you do! When you can weave your expertise into a discussion, then you build your business credibility. Remember: you are there to be social first. Your business can grow because you "play" according to the site users' interests!

4. Spell check all your posts! Type your posts in Word, and then copy and paste! Depending on how serious you are.

5. RSS your blog to your personal page if at all possible, and then people can learn more about you. If you cannot do that, at least post the link!

6. Get a quality picture of yourself and use it – it will go everywhere you post. A good picture should showcase the "real you."

7. Post comments on others' discussions.

8.. Be careful who you become "friends" with – do your homework first.

9. Make sure you get e-mail reminders if people comment on your discussions or leave messages for you! You do not want to forget, you want to be prompt, and it's a good way to remember to check out what's going on on the site regularly!

10. Show up! Social networks will not help you grow if you do not show up! Plan to be on the site at least three times a week.Related articles-The Top 10 Dos and Don'ts of Networking

Happy networking!

Keys to a good night’s sleep

• Minimise noise with earplugs and minimise light with window blinds, heavy curtains, or an eye mask. Do not turn on bright lights if you need to get up at night. Use a small night-light instead.

• Avoid large meals within two hours of bedtime. If you are hungry, a glass of milk or a light snack is a good choice. Milk contains the amino acid L-tryptophan, which has been shown in research to help people go to sleep.

• Get aerobic exercise during the day to reduce stress hormones, but avoid anything too strenuous within three hours of bedtime. Regular exercise may promote deeper sleep.

• Go to bed at a regular time and avoid napping late in the afternoon. If you need to nap, take a brief nap for 10-15 minutes about eight hours after you awake.

• Stop working at any task an hour before bedtime to calm mental activity.

• At bedtime, keep your mind off worries or things that upset you; avoid discussing emotional issues in bed.

• Consider having pets stay outside of your sleeping area. Having a pet in bed with you may cause you to wake if you have allergies or if the pet moves around on the bed.

• Make sure your bedroom is well ventilated and at a comfortable temperature (below 75 degrees and above 54 degrees F).

• Keep your bedroom for sex and sleeping. If you can’t sleep or if you wake up in the middle of the night, go into another room and read a book or watch television until you feel sleepy.

• Learn a relaxation technique such as progressive muscle relaxation and practice it in bed.

• Nicotine is a stimulant and should be avoided particularly near bedtime and upon night awakenings. Stimulants may interfere with sleep.

• Caffeine should be discontinued at least four to six hours before bedtime. Caffeine is a stimulant that is present in coffee, cola, tea, chocolate and various over-the-counter medications. Consider gradually reducing the amount of caffeine you consume to avoid withdrawal symptoms like headaches.

• Alcohol is a depressant and may help you fall asleep, but the subsequent metabolism that clears it from your body when you are sleeping causes a withdrawal syndrome. This withdrawal causes awakenings and is often associated with nightmares and sweats. If you are still having trouble sleeping after trying some of these suggestions, tell your doctor about it. There may be an underlying medical condition that is causing your sleep problem.

Some words of Inspirational for Women

Mary Kay Ash founded Mary Kay Cosmetics in 1963, and was named the Greatest Female Entrepreneur in American History by Baylor University in 2003. PBS listed her as one of the 25 Most Influential Business Leaders of the Last 25 Years. She's received several other business, leadership, and “influential woman” awards – and that's not because she was a well-behaved woman!

Mary Kay started out in a small office space with “used furniture, homemade drapes, and a single metal shelf from Sears.” Now, her company earns over 2 billion dollars a year – and has helped thousands of women in their own careers. (Not to mention making them beautiful!).

“So many women just don't know how great they really are. They come to us all vogue outside and vague on the inside.”

Meg Ryan traveled through northern India and learned about CARE, an HIV protection program for young women. Ryan shares her thoughts on the importance and power of women – whether we live in the slums or the Hollywood Hills.

“Women are socialized to be nice, to be docile,” says Meg Ryan. “I call it ‘shrink to fit': Shrink yourself to fit what others expect of you.”

What do Cher and Suze Orman have in common? Suze is outstanding in the financial world; she's a public speaker, television personality, radio personality, businesswoman and author of eight New York Times bestsellers.

Cher is outstanding in the glitzy world of show business. She's currently performing in Vegas for a couple of years – at 61 years old – and she loves what she does. You'll never believe what she said on the Oprah Winfrey show yesterday - and it directly relates to Suze Orman.

“It can be difficult for women to connect to their courage. Women can be deflected from a course of action if they think that it might hurt someone else. It's so much easier to hurt yourself than to hurt someone else, isn't it?” asks Suze in Women & Money . “Women also lose their courage when they subscribe to a belief that someone or something is the key to their happiness – rather than recognizing that power lies within.”

10 best tips for your romantic side

Here are our ten best ways to keep your lover wanting more….

Wine and Dine Him
Sweep him off his feet: Get to know the owner, manager, or maƮtre d' at your favorite restaurant. Become a regular and you'll get the best tables, best service, and best wines, plus inside tips on what's really best on the menu tonight

Enjoy the Little Things
Always remember Romance is about the little things. It's much more about the small gestures—the little ways of making daily life with your lover a bit more special—than it is about the extravagant, expensive gestures

Be Ready for a Quick Getaway
Because you never know when the mood will strike: Be prepared for spontaneous romantic escapes! Have his-and-hers overnight bags packed at all times; keep them under the bed or in the trunk of the car.

Discover Together
The joy of a relationship is found in exploring activities, places, and ideas together: As a couple, dedicate yourselves to learning something new every day.

Savor the Day
For a truly memorable Day: Turn Regular Day into a real holiday: Take the day off work, then spend it in bed together. Go to the movies. Go out to dinner. Go dancing. Take a drive. Make love. Go for a stroll.

To stay on the road to romance: Institute the buddy system. Team up with a good friend and act as each other's personal "romance coach." Encourage one another, trade ideas, remind each other of important dates, compare notes, and share new discoveries.

Get His Attention
Simple, straightforward, guaranteed to get his attention: Unplug the TV. Put a note on the screen saying, "Turn me on instead." Have fun!

Surprise Him
To make your excursions even more enjoyable: When vacationing together, always take along a couple of little surprise gifts. It's inexpensive, gives you something to look forward to, lets you gift-wrap ahead of time, and allows you to surprise your lover at a moment's notice.

Celebrate Your Life Together
For an ever-lasting love, give an ever-lasting gift: How about a scrapbook to commemorate your relationship? Get out your old photographs, mementos, and love letters, and be sure to have plenty of glue sticks on hand! Your lover will treasure it forever.

Head to the Fair
It's a classic for a reason!: Go to a carnival, fair, or amusement park together. Go on the rides. Play the games. Eat the hot dogs and cotton candy. Kiss in the Tunnel of Love.

Want to get delicious looking lips?

Just remember these handy makeup tips when you begin to apply lipstick next time.
As we age, the skin around our lips wrinkles and this makes lipstick bleed into the grooves. To avoid this, use a lip liner. Liner creates a barrier that keeps colour where you want it. If you don't want it to look too gaudy, go for those clear, wax-based versions.
Another no-bleed trick:
Lightly dust powder above lips to keep the area dry (any moisture there will encourage feathering).
Thin lips?
That's due to loss of collagen and fat. But worry not. These days, plumpers are a plenty in the market. Try tinted balms to get that glossy, pouty effect. Prefer lipstick? With a lip brush, apply foundation just beyond your mouth's outer edges, then cover lips and the foundation area with lipstick.
Chapped lips?
A lip-specific exfoliant with gentle scrubbers that can remove flakes are the solution. Once you scrub, apply a lip balm.


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