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A new age Metro girl Full of confidence, energy and determination “She got an attitude and knows how to carry” This blog is dedicated to all Metro girls and her fighting sprit

YES, I am Metroholica

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Do's and Don't for successes in career

It is often the small details that improve an employer's opinion of your work. Here are some tips directly from managers on fostering a positive working relationship with your boss.

1. Don't ask questions you can answer

Yes, it's comforting to ask your boss when you lack confidence or feel you need approval, but next time ask yourself first: "Will they be able to answer this any better than I can?" You know your job better than anyone else, so be resourceful and think things through first.

2. Solutions, not problems

Don't go to your boss with a problem if you haven't spent at least 10 minutes thinking of possible solutions. It will impress your boss if you go to them with a tricky issue and then suggest ways to resolve it.

3. Take responsibility for your actions

There's a right way to do this. The next time you make a mistake, say: "I think this project could have been better." or "In retrospect, I think I should have done it differently." or "Next time I would..." Your boss will be impressed and focus on what you've learned rather than what you've done wrong.

4. Don't get emotional

Don't ever send an email in a moment of anger or frustration. It's tempting to reply immediately after reading an email that angers or upsets you. Write your response immediately, but don't send it. Wait at least half an hour, then re-read the original email and your response. Nine times out of ten, you will have calmed down and can send a much more constructive and considered response. Your boss will admire your diplomacy.

5. Go beyond the call of duty

Take on new challenges. Sometimes, the best way to find your calling is by trying new things. You may well learn something new and your boss will be impressed by your 'team spirit', and remember that you pitched in to help.

6. Don't pretend to be sick to miss work

Everyone is tempted once in a while to skip work. But remember that you might need your sick days when you are actually sick, and using them when you don't need them is more obvious than you think. On days when you genuinely are sick, call your boss directly to say you aren't coming in.

7. Ask for and give feedback

Communication works both ways and we all respond well to positive feedback. If there's something that your boss does that you like, tell him/her. Something as simple as saying "I appreciated your support in that meeting" will make him/her sit up and take notice of how his/her actions affect you. Positive feedback will reinforce the behavior and will improve your working relationship.

8. Stop whining

We all need to let off some steam every now and then, but your colleagues and boss will notice if you're always the instigator. Like the boy who cried wolf, how will your boss ever know when there's a real problem? Your boss will respect you more if you pick and choose your battles and steer clear of 'group whining'.

9. Be proactive

We all have lots of suggestions on how to improve things at work or ideas for new projects. It's no use sending your boss a list of ideas; it's likely that none of them will actually happen unless you also take responsibility. Pick one or two of the best ideas and follow through with them.

10. Do not participate in office politics. You may have to recognize they exist, and perhaps even take part in them involuntarily, but do not encourage or exacerbate them.

11. Do not gossip. If you hear someone else gossiping, politely remove yourself from the situation. Gossip ALWAYS spreads, often back to the source.

12 If you have a valid complaint, express it through the proper channels: your direct supervisor or human resources representative.

13 Do your work to the best of your ability, and make sure there is proof of it. Create a paper (or email) trail. Copy your boss and anyone else necessary on emails. Remember, if you mention someone or refer to something that pertains to them, copy them on the email.

Also read: wanna know, How to deal with Office Politics?

wanna know,How to deal with Office Politics?

Office politics is a term that refers to the way an office runs, and how people tend to work together based on their job responsibilities and hierarchy. Every office has a distinct office culture that influences the ways people advance, how everyone is treated, and how happy the employees are.

There are two groups of people you will interact with at work: your managers/boss, and your co-workers. Negotiating many different personalities and work agendas can be like walking through a mine field, but the tips below will help you survive your days at work unharmed.

Your Boss

Your relationship to your boss is central to your success in the workplace; demonstrating to him/her that you are capable and responsible is the single-most important thing you can do as employee. The best way to promote a good working relationship with your boss is through good communication.

1. Make sure you understand what your boss wants, and ask questions if you are confused. Understand your work assignments before you begin working on them- ask as many questions as you have and never pretend to understand the task when you don't. Take notes while your boss is giving directions so you have something to reference when you begin the work. Ask "When do you need this?" every time you are given an assignment. Knowing when work is due will help you prioritize tasks and complete work on-time.

If you have minimal time with your boss, you may be able to get direction by looking at similar work done in the past, or by asking for feedback from co-workers you trust. And, if you are ever unsure about an assignment after you have started it, take the time to go back to your boss for clarification while you still have time to change course.

2. Ask for feedback on your work.
Listen when your boss tells you what you did well, and what you can improve upon. The best way to impress your boss is to learn what s/he looks for in work, and act accordingly. Maybe s/he wants work done fast, even if it's not perfect. Or, maybe s/he is obsessive about details and only wants to see final drafts, after they are spellchecked and formatted. Being aware of your boss's preferences is critical for doing well on the job.

3. Don't complain.
Everyone has bad days, and there is nothing wrong with venting once in a while. But avoid bringing every problem you encounter to your boss- regardless of how much sympathy you deserve. Every boss wants employees that can problem-solve and be flexible in difficult situations.

4. Check in.
It's a good idea for you to initiate conversations with your boss about the work you're doing. It keeps him/her in the loop on what's on your plate, and gives you an opening to ask for direction or support when you need it.

Your Co-Workers

It is very rare to like all the people you work with. Each of us has a different style of communication, and different preferences for how we do work. Getting along with co-workers requires patience, consideration, and a lot of compromise, and some days are going to be easier than others. When dealing with co-workers, remember these tips of interaction in the office.

1. You are rarely alone.
Even if you think no one heard you raise your voice and act rudely to the office manager, they did. And even worse, the ones who heard it likely talked about the interaction later with other people in the office. Being rude to a co-worker, even one time, looks bad for you. Keep your temper in check.

2. People gossip.
It is just a fact of life that we talk about each other. Participating in gossip is an easy trap to fall into, but avoid it at work at all costs. Go home and tell your family or other friends about the crazy outfit Sue from accounting wore- but don't breathe a word of it at work. It's likely to get back to her, and it makes you look petty.

3. Don't complain about your boss.
Spies are everywhere, and the bad things you say could easily get back to your manager. Protect yourself- don't say anything and don't join in when others do.

4. Don't sink to anyone else's level.
Your co-workers may handle conflict with you in unprofessional ways. No matter what someone else says or does to you, remember that you will get nowhere by repeating the act against them. Take the high road- walk away from conflict, and try to talk problems through when you and your co-worker are less upset. Speak calmly and rationally no matter what someone else says to you. And if you feel that a conflict is more than you can handle through calm discussion, report your concern to Human Resources.

Things you should not worry about in bed

1. Does he think my thighs are fat? My dear, he’s not even looking at your thighs. He’s far more interested in what’s between them..

2. Does he think my breasts are too small? Darling, he’s so glad to be allowed to touch them; he doesn’t have time to think thoughts like this! Breasts are magic to most men, all shapes and sizes are sexy to him.

3. Does he like my lingerie? Yap, Most women don’t bother dressing up for their man, so if you’re actually sporting something made for sex, he’s feeling very lucky.

4. Does he think I’m a good kisser? He probably doesn’t know the difference between a good kiss and a bad kiss? Besides, if he keeps kissing you, he can’t be unhappy with the results!

5. Does he think I’m sexy enough? Sweetie, if he didn’t find you sexy, he wouldn’t be able to deliver the goods. If he’s in bed with you, he thinks you’re plenty sexy!

6. Does he like the sound of my voice? I’ll make this simple – if you’re moaning or screaming with pleasure because of something he’s doing to you, YES, he will like the sound. A lot. Just make sure it's genuine - pornstar syndrome is not sexy.

7. Does he think I’m good in bed? If you’re a star in bed, yes, he will be thinking this. If you’re average, or even underaverage, the idea will probably not even occur to him. He’ll be far too wrapped up in that “Yes, I’m getting it tonight!”

Also read : Is he bad in bed?

Is he bad in bed?

A lot of men think women are just naturally frigid, but The truth is, the average woman is probably less frigid than the average man… we just have better self-control when it comes to holding out for something good. And, unfortunately, it can be really, really difficult to find something good.

I’ve put together a list of 5 tips for deciding whether or not it’s worth going the whole nine yards to find out. If he fits into one of these categories, it probably isn’t.

He’s a terrible kisser.

This is perhaps obvious, but if a man doesn’t know how to French kiss, it’s unlikely he’s going to know how to handle more important tasks. Slobbering, teeth scraping, plunging his tongue down your throat; these are all signs he’s going to be really crap in bed.

He’s a terrible slow dancer.

It’s often said in jest, but if a guy can’t even slow dance to a familiar rhythm, that means he hasn’t got any. I don’t really need to explain why that’s bad, right?

He drinks a lot or takes drugs.

This one is twofold; the most obvious reason would be the side-effects alcohol and drugs can have on a man’s anatomy. Yeah, he can last 5 hours when he’s drunk. It ain’t cos either of you want him to, though.

He scarf his food, drink, etc.

This might sound strange, but a man who inhales food or drink is basically only concerned with satisfying the call of hunger or thirst. He wants instant satisfaction and doesn’t bother savoring the meal. You can apply this to his other basic needs, as well. This guy is crap in bed, and you’ll be able to verify that for yourself in about 2 minutes.

He’s a bad listener.

If he never remembers anything you tell him, if he always seems distracted when you’re having a conversation, if he sucks at maintaining eye contact while you’re talking – he doesn’t value what you’re saying. Which means he’s not overly concerned with your needs? The rest should be simple math.

Some Body Image Boosters

Get confident with these tips!

1. Look at pictures of yourself with friends. It'll bring back memories of fun times when you probably weren't focusing on your appearance.

2. Put on that classy matching bra and underwear set that fits you just right. Sure, no one can see your lingerie beneath your clothes, but you'll feel sexy knowing it's there.

3. Take a head-to-toe grooming session: mani, pedi, bikini wax, leg and underarm shave. You'll feel fresh, pretty, and almost new.

4. Put on a little eye makeup. Just because you're having a bad body-image day doesn't mean you can't have an "I feel pretty" day!

5. Accept compliments with a smile. You deserve them, so act like you do — you might just believe yourself!

6. Set your sights on what you like when looking at your reflection — not on your trouble zones. Remember: It's okay to be proud of your body.

7. Take a fitness class (like Pilates or yoga) in a studio with no mirrors. It'll make you focus on your body from the inside out, instead of from the outside in.

8. Focus on what your body is capable of doing. For instance, if you're a mother, consider how your body grew a baby for nine months. Who cares if your belly is less than rock hard when you know what it produced?

9. Go shoe shopping. Hey, your shoe size will never go up!

10. Buy and wear clothes that fit, even if it means going up a size. Too-tight duds serve as an all-day reminder that those size 10s don't fit like they used to, and too-loose clothes make you look frumpier and heavier — not exactly a confidence builder. Wear an outfit that gently hugs you in all the right places and you'll feel and look good.

11. Strike a (yoga) pose. Women who do yoga often have healthier attitudes toward their bodies, possibly because the practice discourages self-judgment.

12. Treat yourself to a massage. It's a great way to get back in touch with your body.

13. Sign up for a five-mile race with a friend. It's hard not to feel fit and confident when you're training and thinking about crossing that finish line!

How to find out he is mama’s boy

I feel it’s ok to love your mama, and it's ok to have a good relationship with her but not a single women want a mama’s boy,

I hope you can understand, as with anything, there will be exceptions to every rule

but the rules work for most people most of the time

He calls his mother every day.

Yes. Some men do this. I know someone who did this REGULARLY. Note, I did not say his mother calls *him* every day -- that's different. That's more her issue than his. But if your man is doing the calling, something is wrong with him. Run away.

He goes on week-long holidays with her -- two or more times a year.

Yap, I also know someone who did this. He would run off to some foreign island with his mum, just the two of them -- it wasn't a family thing -- and spend 2 weeks (or whatever) with her. At least twice a year. He was 32 at the time.

He buys something for her every time you go shopping.

Oh, mummy would love this, don't you think? Hmm. Don't I think? I think you are running out of your mind, mister. Why else would you stop to look at diamond rings and think of HER instead of ME? huuuuuuuuu

. (If you think this is normal behavior for an adult male.... well, all I can say is give me the abnormal guy any day of the week.)

He goes to the spa with her.

I'm sorry, but this is something I find extremely unnatural, no matter how posh you might be. If your man is hanging out in the sauna with his mummy every month, there is something truly bizarre about that.

He wears, eats, and does whatever she tells him to do.

This is the most obvious, but I saved it for last because the others are just as significant. If he only wears the clothes she buys for him, or only travels to places she recommends, or only dates who she approves of -- you are dating a mama's boy!

Tips to pamper your feet at home

Here is how you can do your pedicure in about 25 minutes or less

For doing a pedicure at home you will need:

• A nail file of high quality

• A foot file

• A plastic or glass bowl big enough for a foot bath with warm water

• Cotton balls

• Two tablespoons of sugar

• Five table spoons of oil, and optional three drops of essential oil or lemon juice.

• A cuticle stick

• Nail polish remover

• Two fluffy towels and two small towels

• Optional: nail polish of your preferred colour and colour base.

• Hand or body lotion and oil (it can be body oil or a light vegetable oil such as olive or sunflower)

• A nail cutter

• Identify a good place to get your pedicure; it has to have a comfortable chair. Place all the ingredients and tools next to it. Place one of the towels on the floor.
• Mix five tablespoons of oil, a bit of essential oil or lemon juice and sugar.

• Prepare the foot bath with warm water and four tablespoons of oil.

• Start with the pedicure. Eliminate any nail polish you may have.

• Cut your nails and file them to the desired shape

• Put your feet into the water and let them be there for 10 minutes (at least 5 minutes if you do not have time)

• Now rub your cuticles with the stick to remove dry cuticles

• Apply the scrub on your feet. Make sure every area is treated.

• Wash it out with the foot bath water, dry the feet and move the foot bath to the side.

• Gently apply some oil or cream to the nail and massage the cuticles

• Wrap the towel around your feet and leave it on for 3 to 5 minutes.

• Get your foot file and rub it on the rough areas. If you are not applying polish, you are done; if not

• Apply the base coat (transparent nail polish), wait for a minute or two and apply one coat of colour. Wait for three minutes and apply the second coat.

Some crazy Pickup Lines for Girls to get some cute guys

  • Which one of you guys is buying my drinks?
  • Are you going to ask me out? Or, do I have to lie to my diary?
  • How about going to movie on Saturday?
  • I thought about introducing you to my sister, but I’m not that generous.
  • You look like the kind of guy who likes pizza.
  • Maybe my sight’s going, but you’re the hottest guy I’ve seen all night!
  • My friend thinks we should meet and go out because we’d be perfect for each other
  • (Brush against him and say) I’m sorry. You look familiar.
  • (If a man is staring, go up to him and say) Well. Do you want to go out or not?

5 Ways to Rock Your Career

Americans spend almost two thirds of their lives working, but according to a poll by, 40 percent of employees are dissatisfied with their jobs. To help you get some fulfillment from the workplace, we reached out to several of today's top career experts for some on-the-job advice. Here, we share with you their top five tips for getting the most out of the daily grind.
Find out what's making you miserable

If you can figure out exactly why you're unhappy, it will be easier to make a change for the better, says life and career coach Meredith Haberfeld ( To get to the heart of the matter, write down specific examples of things you dislike about your current job, whether it's not earning enough money, working late hours or having an unappreciative boss. Once you pinpoint what's frustrating you, it'll be easier to take action to improve the situation, such as asking for a raise or negotiating to leave earlier to spend more time with your family. "Homing in on what you don't like about your job makes it easier to ask for what you want," says Haberfeld.
Speak up to get a promotion
"Women tend to minimize their work triumphs, which impacts their ability to move ahead," says Caitlin Friedman, coauthor of The Girl's Guide to Being a Boss (Without Being a Bitch). It's perfectly acceptable to toot your own horn once in a while, especially if your accomplishments are valuable to the company. To avoid seeming obnoxious about your endeavors, send your boss a note thanking her for placing confidence in your ability to handle your latest project, and let her know how happy you are that it yielded such success. Friedman also recommends making yourself invaluable to your boss in practical ways; for example, if your boss is unable to even go near a computer without asking for assistance, why not brush up on new technologies and implement new policies that streamline office procedures? "A good rule of thumb is that you're ready to be promoted when you've already mastered the job above you," says Friedman.
Ask for a raise
What's the secret to getting your next pay bump? Being proactive. According to the book Women Don't Ask by Linda Babcock and Sara Laschever, women who consistently negotiate their salaries earn at least $1 million more during their careers than women who don't. But before you march into your boss's office, first ask yourself if your company is in good enough financial shape to give you a raise, and consider whether it's been a reasonable amount of time since you received your last raise. If you answer yes to both of those questions, it's fine to proceed. Remember to be specific when making your case to your boss. Carmen Letscher, a public relations executive in Los Angeles, says employees who ask for exactly what they want in terms of title, position, salary and vacation time are greeted much more favorably than employees who only use the time to complain about their lousy position or salary.
Get the most out of your employee benefits

In addition to giving promotions and raises, many companies offer employees other perks to help make their jobs feel more worthwhile. Look over your employee benefits handbook to learn what's available to you. Some companies offer on-site gyms or child care centers, while others offer some sort of tuition reimbursement. In addition to bigger incentives like these, you might be able to enjoy some smaller benefits, such as discounted admission to museums and other forms of entertainment, like the ballet or opera. Finally, be sure to sign up for your company's 401(k) plan. Surveys show that one third of all workers do not participate in their employer's 401(k), while 20 percent don't contribute enough to get the full employer match. Not having your 401(k) contributions matched by an employer is essentially giving up free money-something you definitely want to avoid.
Go after your dream job

The first step in achieving your dream job is to visualize what your dream job is, says Haberfeld. From there, it will be much easier to realistically set the goals that will take you there. For instance, if you determine your dream is to open your own bakery, your next steps-from scouting a location to securing a loan-will become much clearer. Ladies Who Launch is one great resource for fledgling business owners. The group offers networking events and meetings around the country that connect you with women who have similar interests and will teach you about financing your particular dream. Sign up for their "Incubator" program, and you'll meet with other inspired women on a weekly basis and workshop one another's ideas, giving feedback on everything from a business name to marketing strategies.

Why Men Lie and Tips for Catching Him in a Lie

Here are some revealing signs that what you're hearing a man say might be something less than the whole truth:

. Eye contact: When he won't meet your eye when he tells you something, your inner alarm should start ringing.

. Body language: Blushing, sweating, leg jiggling, scratching a maddening itch - such responses can be a reflection of his body's reaction to covering up the truth.

. Credibility: Try to see if his words sound reasonable. Some people, in the panic of being forced to lie, can run out the silliest story that is just impossible to believe. Really bad liars look doubtful as they tell their tall tale - even they don't look like they believe it.

. Repetition: If the man repeats the question you ask him, he is generally buying himself more time to formulate his lie.

. Gut instinct: You have a powerful secret weapon left: listen to your instincts. Sometimes you are face to face with a professional cheat or a compulsively unfaithful partner. Such people will be experienced and credible. They will have worked on controlling their bodies' reactions to the fear of getting caught out, and will seem natural and trustworthy at first glance. In these situations, and often in spite of all the evidence before you, you will sometimes experience a strong feeling that something's not right. The biggest mistake you can ever make in such a situation is to ignore this gut feeling. Of course, not everyone deserves to be the object of automatic and chronic suspicion. But if you're not sure if someone is lying to you, pay attention to the combination of eye contact, body language, the credibility of the excuse, and your gut instincts. You will find that your ability to spot a lie at 50 paces becomes finely tuned and very reliable. Related Article: Ten tips on saying goodbye

Tips to drive him wild

1. Underneath your clothes
Men may not notice your new dress, but he will probably remind you years ahead about your stockings, tiny panties and sexy bra, the more so if you put on the most ill-fitted ones. Keep in mind that you may wear the simplest outfit outside the bedroom setting, but you should always wear lingerie you won't be embarrassed to show after you undress.

2. Use your sex muscles
When a man penetrates a woman the last thing he expects to see is her absolute calmness and immovability. Many women would get out of going to the sexologist if only they take advantage of the most powerful tool they have at their disposal-their sex or PC muscle. Nothing can heighten intimate experience more than a woman good at controlling her vagina. Training your PC muscle will help you not only keep your vaginal muscles in tone, but make an amazing revelation of your own sexual skills.

3. Add a bit of strip tease
If you haven't learned the common truth yet, then we need to say it again: men like to watch! They like to devour your breasts, your hips, your butt, your vagina and all your body with his eyes. You can be a nice Nelly, a business woman, a bluestocking outside your bedroom, but you should forget about all your "good girl" manners and free yourself from useless shyness and feed his sexual imagination. Keep in mind that the way you undress is one of the strongest turn-on for a man, otherwise they wouldn't spend their money on strippie and adult movies.

4. Move your body
Nothing can leave your man at a loss as fast as your lifeless body and your indifferent look, almost saying "when will he cum at last". Of course, you shouldn't perform Brazilian dance in order to brighten up the situation. You just need to feel the inner urge to let him penetrate you most intimate part and that close connection between two of you. When you move your body synchronized with his own, you help him find the right angle and the right rhythm.

5. Learn his body
Don't try to reduce sex to moth-eaten practices. If you are used to be passive side in your love play, swap over and explore his body in full. While men seem to be more concentrated on their genitals, you give him a possibility to discover new hot areas he may not be aware of.

6. Take the initiative
99 % of men dream about a woman taking the initiative, the rest 1% is probably too shy to admit it. What could be more appealing to a man, than a woman who is smart enough to do the "work" themselves and let her partner derive the utmost satisfaction? It can be quite hard for him to always prove his masculinity and be "Mr. Hero" who drives you to the high of sexual ecstasy. That surely doesn't mean you should be somewhat pushy or aggressive, you just need to know that sometimes men need to feel they are being "guided". Related Article: Amazing sex tips for girls

The Top 10 Dos and Don'ts of Networking

#1 - Do Be authentically curious Shyness is easy to overcome when you are genuinely interested in people. Always encourage others to talk about themselves. Everyone has a story, so listen and be sure to ask open-ended questions that foster conversation. Learn something from everyone you talk to. Some of the best conversationalists do very little talking.

#2 - Don't Be Aggressive Start with casual conversation before broaching the subject of business. While exchanging business cards is appropriate, carrying a fistful of promotional material is not. Never -ever!- barge in on a group and proceed to dominate the conversation.

#3 - Do Ditch the Clique It's easy to stay in the comfort zone of people you know, talking to a small cluster of friends. At an event where you have come to network, save socializing with friends for another time. Now is the time to smile and dive into the crowd, making as many connections as you can.

#4 - Don't Monopolize Don't be a time hog! Instead of talking to one person all night, try to spend at least five to eight minutes with everyone. If you see someone's attention wandering, politely excuse yourself. And, by the way, never say something like, "Excuse me, there are other people I have to talk to!" Exit with style by complimenting the person. Try using this line: "I'd love to chat with you all night, but I know there are so many other people who want to speak with you."

#5 - Do Pay Attention to Social Graces Everyone knows them, but strangely, quite often they are overlooked. Here's the lowdown: Make sure your personal hygiene is perfect. Carry some mints in your pocket if you aren't sure about your breath. Make eye contact. Don't invade anyone's personal space. Extend your hand and offer a firm handshake. Introduce yourself in a clear voice.

#6 - Don't Use and Abuse Networking isn't about using people, it's about creating mutually beneficial relationships, helping others, meeting a wide variety of interesting people and creating solid, long-term relationships. Networking should never be used for short-term, one-sided gain. If you approach networking from a "what's in it for me" point of view, it comes across as slimy. No one likes slime.

#7 - Do Take Notes After meeting someone, try to jot down a few notes about the person and the conversation on the back of their business card or in a small notebook. Nothing is more embarrassing than confusing two people. Some networking aficionados endorse whipping out a pen and taking notes while in front of the potential contact, but most agree it is best to do it discreetly afterwards.

#8 - Don't Forget to Follow Up Sounds simple, doesn't it? Thacker says lack of follow-up is the primary reason for missed career opportunities. She advises following up with an e-mail or, even better, with a phone call within 72 hours. This allows you to keep the lines of communication open. Studies have shown that it is harder to make a sale and reconnect with the potential employer, if you don�t follow up within three days.

#9 - Don't Limit Yourself While it is essential to join professional organizations, network outside of your industry and immediate peers. It's a small world, and you never know who might have the connection you need, so get to know a wide variety of people from all walks of life. Thacker recommends joining at least two to three networking groups.

#10 - Do Show Appreciation When a contact provides you with a referral, offers some advice, or helps in any way, never miss the opportunity to thank them. A handwritten card or cheery e-mail demonstrates that you value the relationship. After all, networking is not about surface smiles, it is about building long-lasting and meaningful connections.Related article - How to Use Social Networking Sites to Promote Yourself


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