Do's and Don't for successes in career
It is often the small details that improve an employer's opinion of your work. Here are some tips directly from managers on fostering a positive working relationship with your boss.
1. Don't ask questions you can answer
Yes, it's comforting to ask your boss when you lack confidence or feel you need approval, but next time ask yourself first: "Will they be able to answer this any better than I can?" You know your job better than anyone else, so be resourceful and think things through first.
2. Solutions, not problems
Don't go to your boss with a problem if you haven't spent at least 10 minutes thinking of possible solutions. It will impress your boss if you go to them with a tricky issue and then suggest ways to resolve it.
3. Take responsibility for your actions
There's a right way to do this. The next time you make a mistake, say: "I think this project could have been better." or "In retrospect, I think I should have done it differently." or "Next time I would..." Your boss will be impressed and focus on what you've learned rather than what you've done wrong.
4. Don't get emotional
Don't ever send an email in a moment of anger or frustration. It's tempting to reply immediately after reading an email that angers or upsets you. Write your response immediately, but don't send it. Wait at least half an hour, then re-read the original email and your response. Nine times out of ten, you will have calmed down and can send a much more constructive and considered response. Your boss will admire your diplomacy.
5. Go beyond the call of duty
Take on new challenges. Sometimes, the best way to find your calling is by trying new things. You may well learn something new and your boss will be impressed by your 'team spirit', and remember that you pitched in to help.
6. Don't pretend to be sick to miss work
Everyone is tempted once in a while to skip work. But remember that you might need your sick days when you are actually sick, and using them when you don't need them is more obvious than you think. On days when you genuinely are sick, call your boss directly to say you aren't coming in.
7. Ask for and give feedback
Communication works both ways and we all respond well to positive feedback. If there's something that your boss does that you like, tell him/her. Something as simple as saying "I appreciated your support in that meeting" will make him/her sit up and take notice of how his/her actions affect you. Positive feedback will reinforce the behavior and will improve your working relationship.
8. Stop whining
We all need to let off some steam every now and then, but your colleagues and boss will notice if you're always the instigator. Like the boy who cried wolf, how will your boss ever know when there's a real problem? Your boss will respect you more if you pick and choose your battles and steer clear of 'group whining'.
9. Be proactive
We all have lots of suggestions on how to improve things at work or ideas for new projects. It's no use sending your boss a list of ideas; it's likely that none of them will actually happen unless you also take responsibility. Pick one or two of the best ideas and follow through with them.
10. Do not participate in office politics. You may have to recognize they exist, and perhaps even take part in them involuntarily, but do not encourage or exacerbate them.
11. Do not gossip. If you hear someone else gossiping, politely remove yourself from the situation. Gossip ALWAYS spreads, often back to the source.
13 Do your work to the best of your ability, and make sure there is proof of it. Create a paper (or email) trail. Copy your boss and anyone else necessary on emails. Remember, if you mention someone or refer to something that pertains to them, copy them on the email.
Also read: wanna know, How to deal with Office Politics?