How to login to Gtalk form mobile
Google launched its own instant messaging J2ME client, called Google Talk. to use this client you first need to find a Jabber-compatible IM client, and then use a server called and port 5222. Windows Mobile users can try IM+ or imov Messenger, Palm users can try Chatopus or IM+, and Symbian users can try IM+ as well. I haven't had a chance to try these out myself yet, so please report back if you get Google Talk working and tell us what Jabber client and device OS you're using. dd If you do't wanna download the client,there's a simple way to chat with your friends from the mobile phone. eBuddy, an all-in-one web messenger similar to meebo, has recently started to support Google Talk. eBuddy has a mobile version available at that can be used to chat with your contacts from Yahoo, MSN, AOL, Google and MySpace.
The interface is very simple, but it's optimized for the small mobile screens by displaying the messages in the reverse order. The web page refreshes every 20 seconds to automatically display the new messages.
While eBuddy promises it doesn't store your usernames and passwords, you should only use the service if you think it's trustworthy. There are many other ways to access Google Talk on your mobile phone, but this one doesn't require to install an application. iPhone users should rejoice.

More Ways to Use Google Talk
* MGTalk - third-party Java application that includes Gmail notifications.
* Talkonaut - another third-party Java application. Distinctive features: call your contacts (not free), easy way to add contacts from other IM networks.
* OctroTalk - Windows Mobile client for smartphones and Pocket PCs. It supports chatting and talking with other Google Talk users.
* Google Talk for BlackBerry. You can "add, delete and rename contacts, know when [your] friends are online and available, leave conversations and resume them later, copy conversation text into memory and even be notified when a message is being typed."
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