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A new age Metro girl Full of confidence, energy and determination “She got an attitude and knows how to carry” This blog is dedicated to all Metro girls and her fighting sprit

YES, I am Metroholica

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How to be more productive

Here are some easy tips for being more productive.

1.    Regular   exercise.t will provide you with the focus and stamina you need to get through a long day.

2.    Schedule times when you pick up e-mail and close the e-mail file in between. It's a distraction so you should only check e-mail at scheduled times. Also, prioritize using sub-files

3.    listening to co-workers, chatting at the proverbial water cooler and taking a few minutes to let people get to know you, you are building relationships that are critical to your career.but not more then listening to co-workers, chatting at the proverbial water cooler and taking a few minutes to let people get to know you, you are building relationships that are critical to your career.

4.    You should  not skip lunch or breaks for a few reasons. This break is needed to work for the rest of the day at maximum efficiency. Another reason is because you should be using the time to be with your co-workers and build relationships. And a third reason is because you might be able to use the time to run a personal errand or make a personal phone call that will enable you to relax more when you get off work.

5.    Avoid multitasking; it actually decreases productivity in the long run.




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