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Greying hair in early age?

Greying hair in early age?

Premature greying can be a menace and very awkward, whether you blame your hair greying on the kind of lifestyle you lead on one hand, and your elders blame on the unnecessary use of chemicals, or too little use of hair oil on your hair, the fact is - damage cannot be undone. But surely there are ways to prevent the untimely greying of hair.

Frequent use of product that contains excessive chemicals makes your hair prone to greying. So better you buy a mild shampoo and a conditioner to keep the greys from taking over.

Do you often visit salon for coloring, straitening and blow drying your hair? Just say away from such chemical treatments as much as you can because they may lead to grey strands sticking out.

Even emotional stress like feeling insecure about your relationship or a stress related to your job can affect your hair growth badly.

Ger rid of premature greying of hairs

Eating seafood is one of the things you can eat to promote all over growth of hairs. This food is rich in zinc, iodine and protein which are best for hair. So, if you like to eat seafood you can prefer to eat fish several times a week. Eating canned food is not as good as a fresh fish. If you don't want to eat fish you can take fish oils or its supplement.

Cow's buttermilk is beneficial if you want to get rid of greying of hairs. You can either drink or massage the head scalp with buttermilk once or twice a week gently.

Intake of curry leaves can help to prevent grey hairs. Boil the leaves in coconut oil and apply it to your hair regularly as it is helpful to bring back hair pigmentation.

Take a piece of ginger and grate it. Mix it with honey. You can have 1 spoon of it daily as it is helpful to prevent grey hairs.

If you are having any kind of stress, anxiety and jealousy this may give way to premature greying of hairs. So, try to avoid those conditions.

How to Deal with Miscarriages

• Honor your baby
Sometimes it helps to memorialize your baby in a manner that is
meaningful to you. Some women like to keep a statue of an angel or a
pendant (numerous online retailers sell miscarriage memorial jewelry).
Others may plant a tree or special garden.
• Keep a journal
Writing down your feelings can be surprisingly cathartic, particularly
if you do not have anyone to talk to in person.
• Find a support group
It can help to be around others who are going through the same thing
as you are. Sometimes local hospitals offer a support group or other
service for people coping with pregnancy loss, but if nothing is
available in person, numerous online support groups exist.
• Take time off
Especially in the immediate aftermath of your miscarriage, you may not
want to be around people. If you can, take a vacation and get away
from it all for a while.
• Pick up a new hobby
Almost everyone has some hobby that they want to pursue someday but
just never "get around to it." Deciding to take the leap and get
started can provide a wonderful distraction from your daily life,
particularly if you want to try to conceive again but have been
advised to wait.

10 Super Sales Secrets

You can improve your sales success ratio significantly by learning as much as you can about your prospect and focusing on his needs.

  1. Build rapport. Before discussing business, build rapport with your prospect. To build rapport, do some homework. Find out if you have a colleague in common. Has the prospect's company been in the news lately?, Get a little insight into the company and the individual so you can make the rapport genuine.

  2. Ask a broad range of questions. Ask questions that require more than a "yes" or "no" response, and that deal with more than just costs, price, procedures and the technical aspects of the prospect's business. Most importantly, ask questions that will reveal the prospect's motivation to purchase, his problems and needs, and his decision-making processes. ,Don't be afraid to ask a client why he or she feels a certain way.(That's how you'll get to understand your customers.)

  3. search deeper. If a prospect tells you, "We're looking for cost-savings and efficiency," , immediately tell him how your product meets his need for cost-savings and efficiency, Ask for more information so you can better position your product and show you understand the client's needs.

  4. Learn to listen. Sales people who do all the talking during a presentation not only bore the prospect, but also generally lose the sale. You should be listening at least 50 percent of the time, You can improve your listening skills by taking notes, observing your prospect's body language, not jumping to conclusions, and concentrating on what your prospect is saying.

  5. Follow-up is critical. Write thank-you notes, call the customer after the sale to make sure he or she is satisfied, and maintain a schedule of future communications. "You have to be in front of that client and always show attention and responsiveness.

  6. Sell benefits, not features. The biggest mistake entrepreneurs make is in focusing on what their product or service is,Always concentrate on how your product will benefit your customer.

  7. Sell to the people most likely to buy. Your best prospects have a keen interest in your product or service and the financial resources to purchase it. They are the ones who will buy most quickly., If you're selling camera, don't try to sell to people who have never bought one before ,Sell to those who already have one, or to those you know would be interested in buying one. Show them how yours is superior.
  8. Differentiate your product. Why should a customer buy from you and not from your competitor? Coming up with at least three to four features that will give a customer reason to buy from you. , People don't like to go out of their comfort zone to try something new. So, give them three good reasons to try your product

  9. Get face to face. Get one-on-one with your customer--if not in person, at least by phone.

  10. Focus on the second sale. Concentrate on developing future and referral business with each customer, everything you do must be aimed at the second sale. Ask yourself: Will this be such a satisfactory experience that my customer will buy from me again or tell his friends?

10 Spicy Ways to Give delightful Kisses

1.      The good old French Kiss
With open mouths, your tongues gently probe and swirl against the delicate skin inside the mouth.

2.      The Beginner's Kiss
A simple meeting of the lips. Your lips may brush against each other or gently press together. Done with finesse, this can be a fantastic starting point. A variation of this is to "swirl" your lips slowly around your lover's. Relax, let go and allow your lips to roam over and around your lover's mouth -- real bliss with little effort.

3.      The Butterfly Kiss
Using your eyelashes, gently flutter them across your lover's lips, eyelids, cheeks, neck and, when kissing the breasts, on the nipples, too.

  1. The Droplet
    Try experimenting with this in the heat of passion. If you're on top of your lover and kissing passionately, withdraw your lips slightly from his and allow a few droplets of your saliva to drip gently into his mouth.

5.      The Eastern Swirl and Poke
This may be applied to the lips or the body. Relax your lips and allow your tongue to swirl and poke. Alternating these swirling and poking sensations feels wonderful.

6.      The Lover's Pass
When you want to pass something in a sensual way to your lover -- perhaps a piece of chocolate, fruit or ice -- simply hold it gently between your lips and allow your mouth to touch his. Then, using your tongue, push the item into his mouth.

7.      The Lush Lap
More controlled than the Naughty Dog, this kiss still involves a lapping motion with your tongue, but is more contained and controlled, with your lips kept close to your lover's skin. With your lips parted, use a firm, slow lap of the tongue pressed to her (or his) flesh, lips or mouth. Again, this kiss puts you in control and feels incredibly sexy to a lover who likes to yield to your moves.

8.      The Medieval Necklet
Said to be enjoyed by knights of the realm when medieval ladies wore low-cut necklines. Gently circle your lover's neck with a series of kisses, moving from the lower neck just behind the ear, around the breastbone and finishing back behind the other ear. Both men and women enjoy the slow circular pattern being traced along this delicate skin

9.      The Naughty Dog
A passionate, earthy kiss, particularly good for larger erogenous zones such as the neck, breasts, abdomen and inner thigh. Let your mouth open loosely and allow your tongue to relax and "lap" at your lover's body. This feels incredible when applied from the lower part of the breast up to the tip of the nipple -- the tongue just flicking the nipple as the "lapping" motion finishes.

10.  11. The Sliding Kiss
The tongue moves gently back and forth or in and out. A perfect kiss, too, for gently "sliding" erotic food -- such as sauces and creams -- off your lover's body as your foreplay develops.



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