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A new age Metro girl Full of confidence, energy and determination “She got an attitude and knows how to carry” This blog is dedicated to all Metro girls and her fighting sprit

YES, I am Metroholica

* Trends * Love N Sex * Health * Professional Fundas

Tips for good sleep of your baby

1) Has your baby has seen a baby chiropractor at least once? Yes, believe it or not, there are very gentle methods out there to adjust a baby's spine. Many babies get subluxations during the birthing process, and if your wild 10-month-old manages to crawl halfway up a chair then fall down, that could do it too. Many parents report babies falling asleep immediately after the adjustment and not waking up for hours and hours. Whenever mine, now two years old, gets particularly crabby or his immune system seems not to be doing its job, I try to take him in. He usually feels better afterwards. Because all the body's nerves run through the spine, a maladjustment there can affect any number of other issues. Sometimes, I've heard, a few chiropractic adjustments have even cured colick.

2) Does your baby feel happy and secure? It seems obvious, I suppose, but there are a few practices and so forth that you can observe to keep your baby emotionally healthy. I imagine any parent knows that a baby needs unending affection. A baby is an empty love-receptacle. Your smiles, coos, or whatever attention your baby seems to need (some boy babies prefer peek-a-boo to cuddling; others love to be sung to or talked to) these are the things that keep your baby emotionally healthy. You are their world right now. A bedtime ritual can help, but its best to let your baby go to sleep while alone in the room so that he doesn't become dependant on your presence to go to sleep. On the other hand, if you've been gone all day and he feels needy, he may want to be held and sung to or rocked or whatever for a while before he's ready to drift off.

3) Does your baby need to cry himself to sleep? If you know deep down that your kid is tired and sleep is what he needs, but he just doesn't seem to want to settle down, this may be the answer. Even at this age, there are some things your kid needs to work out on his own without your help. If he's fussy, agitated and irritable, your very presence might be what is causing him to not be able to relax. A short cry alone in his room, and he'll wake up a new little man. Of course, few things will make you feel guiltier than letting him cry himself to sleep and then finding that he's slept in a dirty diaper, for instance. So I developed a checklist of possibilities I would go through before making this decision. Diaper - hunger - pain - these are the main elements. You can check for hunger by slipping your finger in an infant's mouth. How eagerly he responds, if at all, will be a good index of whether he's hungry.

4) Is your baby in pain? Most parents can tell the difference between a cry of pain and an ornery wail. If you can't yet, and your baby cries constantly and won't sleep, try getting your Mom or another experienced person to listen to his cries. Sometimes you can't tell why a kid is crying, but he never seems to stop. That's called colick. They used to assume it was gas, but now think it might be nervous. I have not experienced this but I've heard it's terrible. The best tips I've come across are a) don't overstimulate - keep the room dark, plain, and quiet and b) visit a baby chiropractor (see point 1). Colick aside, the most common causes of baby pain are a) gas/constipation b) ear infection c) diaper rash and d) teething.

You can chek for gas or constipation by gently pressing on the baby's belly. If it's clenched and he lets out a particularly bad yell when you touch it, it's probably one of the above. Most babies do not need water because they are on a liquid diet. But if your baby is eating solids he may need few ounces of water to help it down. There's always Mylan for gas; it doesn't always work. And experiment with postures - on the belly over your knee while you rub his back is an old standby. If he gets this a lot, try adding a little extra water and/or yogurt to his milk or formula. (If he's nursing this seems unlikely to be a problem.) If he's eating solids, make sure his meals are balanced.

Ear infection: If baby is touching his ear a lot or it looks red and inflamed that's probably what it is. Ear infection often goes along with teething. There are two types, inner and outer ear infection. Inner ear infections need to be treated as an internal infection - with antiobiotic or, if you're of the wholistic persuasion, whatever a homeopath does to treat bacterial infections. Outer can be treated with a mixture of rubbing alcohol and white vinegar, dropped into the ear, held there for five minutes, then drained. It is not fun administering this but it will save on a doctor's bill. Doctors cannot treat outer ear infections anyway. If I'm not sure which it is, I always try gently massaging and tugging slightly at Johnny's ear area. Oftentimes this seems to break it up, and with the combination of painkiller, allows him to sleep.

Teething: search his gums very gently for a teething spot. It will be like a little bubble in the gums. Or maybe you will see the white ridge of the tooth straining at the surface of the skin. Drooling and slight fever are also signs. You cannot do better than Orajel for short term and baby painkiller/fever-reducer (e.g. liquid ibuprofen for babies) for the long term.

Diaper rash: If your baby's diaper area is red, inflamed, spotty, and/or bumpy, he has a diaper rash. There are two elements of treating it, other than making sure your kid never ever sits in a dirty diaper. 1) Ointment. Something healing and soothing, like calendula or Desitin. 2) "Cement." Something to armor the skin against further attack while it heals. You make this by applying either Desitin or vaseline, then liberally sprinkling baby powder over it. The powder and the gook will form the cement. Make sure the skin is clean and has been rinsed with clear water before applying anything, or else nastiness could get trapped underneath making the problem worse. To prevent diaper rash from continuing: Consider the possibility that your baby is reacting to the brand of diaper or wipes that you are using. Also, if your child is eating solids, try feeding him yogurt while cutting back on fruit and juice: if the problem is the acidity of your child's waste, this may introduce balance to the digestive system. If you are nursing you may need to make this change to your own diet. Then again, your child may just be temporarily ill.

5) Is your baby busy enough? If your kid has not spent enough time working, playing, and having new experiences, he will get bored and will not become sleepy.

6) Is your baby off his schedule? Babies sleep best if their bodies are allowed to get in a rhythm. It doesn't have to be exact but if your child is eating, sleeping and playing in the same basic order every day he will eat, sleep, and play better.

How to wear a short skirt

  1. Select skirts that are suitable to your age and your lifestyle.
  2. if you are a young girl you can carry off very short and junior styles, professionals and mature woman should avoid revealing too much thigh.
  3. Invest in well-cut skirts in good fabrics.
  4. A short skirt should look smart not cheap.
  5. Opt for very classic accessories and shoes to counter the trendy length of the skirt.
  6. Wear dark opaque tights, knee-length socks or leggings to add a style .
  7. Check out your rear view to be sure you are covered from all angles.
  8. Make sure the skirt fits smoothly on your hips and rear end.
  9. Pair short skirts with pointy patent leather flats. This will give a classy, well-dressed effect.
    Try on different fabrics and cuts to see what works best with your figure.

    Follow this simple guide as an easy way to keep your skin factor in check: If you are exposing skin below the waist (preferably below the thigh) leave something to be imagined when dressing your upper body. And vice versa: avoid wearing skirts cut above the mid-thigh or short shorts when showing off the assets of your upper body.

Get Sexy Legs In Just 3 Steps

Guys do get distracted by long, lean, sexy legs peeking from the slit of a skirt, or flaunted in a mini skirt. Any woman can have sexy legs. All you need to do is to keep your legs toned and wax them regularly. Even cross dressers are able to make their legs look sexy. To start with, first, you need to get your legs in shape. That means, get off your butt and start walking. Walking, running, jogging and climbing stairs really tone your legs.

Step 1. Tone your legs. Run for 45 minutes each day. You could run around the compound, run your way home, run on a jogging track or even in the gym. Just do it before dinner.

Start climbing up and down the stairs Walk more. Walk instead of driving. If you take the public transport, get off a few stops before your actual destination and walk the rest of the way. Getting toned legs takes effort. The end result is worth it. A plus that comes with these toned legs would be a slimmer body from all that exercise.

Step 2. Remove unwanted leg hair
Wax your legs. Get a sugaring Or you could invest in an epilator, which you can use to remove your unwanted body hair for years to come. Waxing, sugaring or using the epilator remove your leg hair from the roots. The result is smoother skin. Hair regrowth is smoother as compared to the stubbly results you get from shaving or using a depilatory.

Step 3. Flaunt your smooth, well toned legs. Smooth, well toned legs are always hot. They look even sexier in a pair of stockings. The sheen from the stockings or pantyhose highlights your legs. And makes your legs look smoother. More refined. More sophisticated. A must for when you want to look put together. Sophisticated. A must for the office, boardroom and the dinner date. If you have a problem with your tummy, go for the a control top pantyhose
That would hold your tummy in. In fact, a good pantyhose holds in your legs, making them look more slender.
Then there are the Fishnet Stockings . These are about pure, raw sex appeal. For that glamorous night. For those moments when you want to turn heads. For movie star on the red carpet treatment. These add the finishing touch. Wear a dress, a skirt or shorts that show off as much leg as you want.

How to get your ex back

A breakup doesn’t have to be the end of relationship. Sometimes it helps us to realize how much we love the person that we have been with and appreciate the beauty of that relationship. Followings are the few tips to get your ex. back

Important: you still have a chance to get your ex’s heart back. However, you need to realize that not all things will work out as you plan. First you have to find out from your sources that your ex is not so happy with their decision.

1. Use a month long period of no contact to give one another some space. Use this time to figure things out. For you, this one month period can be used to recover from the sting of being dumped and coming up with some sort of plan to get him or her back. For your ex, the time away is good for him or her to realize how much they miss you. If you have to see each other all the time through work or class, you can’t spend time apart and heal.

2. Create more value for yourself - When your ex left you, in many cases it was because he did not value you and your relationship high enough to stay. Therefore, your job is to create more value for yourself. Start improving yourself both physically and mentally. Identify all those that went wrong in your relationship. Try correcting your fault if you had committed any... DO it immediately.

3. Do a make over - in many cases, being in a relationship for more than a year makes you less groomed. If you feel you've been neglecting yourself lately, start going to the gym and buy new and cool clothes. This will make you feel better about yourself and you will resonate that feeling to your surroundings. Your ex will feel that too.

4. After one moth, you need to be around to remind your love of all the good times you've shared and how much they mean to you.

5. Call him, after confirming these two things

A. You had transformed to a better person
B. You really want him back

Treat your talk with your ex like a job interview. You’ve got one shot and one shot only at this. Make it impressionable and make it good.


Initial or casual contact. ……..Do NOT starts off by thinking this is an open door to go into an emotional speech about how you've missed them so and your life hasn't been complete without them! Keep it cool, casual, comfortable. Don't bring up the relationship unless they do first. DO take opportunities for light, flirty, "cute" comments and compliments, without overdoing it. The goal here is to make these contacts enjoyable, give the impression you still think of this person as an attractive member of the opposite sex, and keep it light and playful enough to avoid any pressure or discomfort.

You want them to keep coming back for more, right? So make sure they end on an "up" note - and be the one to say you gotta go - nicely, but in a way that implies it was not the last call. People come back for more of what makes them feel good, and feel attractive and desirable without being overwhelmed. People come back for more of what makes them feel good, and feel attractive and desirable without being overwhelmed.

6. meeting again, or less casual conversations, casual dates etc. The point where the ex starts openly questioning things about the breakup. Comments like "I've been thinking a lot lately about us," encourage them to voice what they're thinking and feeling, respond honestly - but without being overwhelming about it. you need to know what the perceived problems were if you're going to build something better, don't get defensive, don't crawl on your knees begging forgiveness, make sure you get across you're going to really listen with an open mind, and offer suggestions and compromises you think might've helped. Blaming yourself at this point won't help, letting them blame themselves won't either. If they change the subject let them change it. Either they have enough to think on for the moment - or they've hit the end of their "comfort zone" before they feel pressured, so in either case, pressing the issue is going to work against you. Be patient, be encouraging that talking about it isn't going to make you defensive or lead to an argument, be encouraging you're interested in starting over again with them - without making it an issue you don't want to talk it out if they're not ready for that.

7. If your ex wants to get back together, before you start celebrating too soon, have a nice good look at yourself and then have a nice good look at them. How does your life compare to theirs now? Does your value and goals line up? Is there even someone else that might fit into their role better?

Who knows you might end up dumping them if you make a haste decision at this point.

8. Now if you are together again, try to avoid the mistakes you done in past and don’t ever mention about the past

Related article - Things you should not do after a breakup



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