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Tips To Effectively Remove Blackheads

There are ways of curing blackheads, that most people know, such as regular skincare, eating a healthy low-fat diet, the use of quality cosmetics products. I have already written about the causes of blackheads and some ways of getting rid of them in "Blackheads Information and Treatment". Here are some easy and useful tips, which are not so well-known, but also help to rid yourself of blackheads. Anti-Blackhead Tip 1. Change Pillowcase

Change your pillowcase as often as possible.

 The oil produced by your hair follicles can accumulate on the pillowcase and then get to your face skin, which can cause blackheads and acnes. No wonder, that your evening skincare doesn't help to reduce blackheads.

Different Towels

Use a clean towel after washing your face. Every woman should use three different towels: the first one for the body, the second one for the intimate hygiene and the third towel for the face.

Widen Pores

Don't forget to steam your face before applying any mask on your face. This widens the pores, gives you more access to their content and lets you remove excess oil. To do this, use a steamer or just hot water. Another way to do this is to boil some camomile in a pan and keep your face over it with your head covered with a towel for a few minutes (be careful not to burn yourself). This is also recommended for the common cold cure.


Home remedies for treating blackheads

• One can put toothpaste on the blackhead before you go to bed. This helps reducing the swelling if kept overnight. But, make sure that it is the paste not the gel.

• Make a paste of ground radish seeds with water and apply on face to remove blackheads.

# Prepare a mixture of corn flour with egg white and apply on face. Let it dry completely for 1/2 hour. Dip your hands in warm water and massage your face and wash off. This when repeated regularly gives you a smooth skin.

• One of the great home-remedies for blackhead described in Ayurveda is applying a paste of fresh methi (fenugreek) leaves on the affected area every night for about 10-15 minutes and then rinsing it with lukewarm water. This will prevent blackhead as well as wrinkles.

• One can also place strawberry leaves on the blackhead, the alkalinity helps to reduce the swelling and cleanse the pores those are blocked.

• Good remedy for blackhead is extracting juice of one lemon and mixing it with equal quantity of rose water. An application of this mixture on the face and let it stay for about ½ hour. Rinse the face with fresh water afterwards. The treatment should be continued for about 15 days so that it will reduce blemishes, blackheads and scars.

• Another method to get rid of blackhead is to massage the face with the bark of fresh lemon before washing with lukewarm water.

• One can also apply fresh mint juice on the affected area every night for the treatment of blackheads, insect stings, eczema, and scabies.

. Natural products are really good for your skin. Prepare a blackhead curing mask at home. You will need 1 cup of oatmeal, 1 teaspoon of baking soda, 3 teaspoons of Aloe Vera juice. Mix everything. Apply this mask on dry face (better right after steaming) and leave for five minutes, then wash off. Do it twice a week.

• To prevent blackheads, one should eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Minimum five servings of fruits and vegetables are to be included in the diet. All blackhead home remedies should include a healthy diet.

&bullUse one tsp. of lemon juice and one tsp. of ground cinnamon as a scrub. repeat this everyday in the mornings for about a half month to see differences

Make a solution of one and a half cup of hot water and half tablespoon of boric powder. Dip one face napkin in the solution and pat on the face for sometime. Later rub the face with a cotton ball. This is a very useful blackheads remedy.

Jojoba oil is a good moisturizer for skin used after scrubs to remove blackheads and whiteheads.


These are some best tips to remove blackheads and whiteheads at home naturally.


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